WeatherFlow - Sick Battery Drain Personal Confirmation


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Oct 21, 2011
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Over the past several weeks, my Lumia 920 has drained battery at a miserable rate. Interestingly its been only the past several weeks, as I installed WeatherFlow in June. Anyway, I tried everything. With only one app permitted to task in the background (Battery monitor app) and everything except for cellular turned off and the display set to low, I drained 16% per hour while not using the phone. By that, I mean I didn't do anything. Lay the phone on the desk at 100% charge and look again 2 hours later and its at 70% or less.

Before the obligatory, "soft reset man, soft reset" hippie mantra, I will remind you - this is a several week observation period. During that time I soft reset the phone several times. Often times more than once a day trying to cure the mystery battery drain.

Anybody who has dug DEEP into these forums will find one consistent attribute. Not always, but usually. This app - endorsed in mid June by none other than WPCentral.

I uninstalled the app earlier today. Before the second zombie wave chimes in, let me head you off at the pass. I uninstalled only WeatherFlow.

My phone has been off of the charger since 11pm and its now 2am. I spent a solid 30 minutes browsing via baconit. I have done various browsing and Facebook checking. Some text messaging and windows messenger activity. Location is on, WiFi is on, cellular is on.

When I began typing this message, the baked in Battery Saver reported 100%. Not a battery app, the system battery maintenance app.

WeatherFlow is EVIL.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Tapatalk


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Oct 21, 2011
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Update. Its now 3:42am. Battery Saver says 2 days 5 hours remaining. For the record, I have nothing against the app. I really really liked it. But this is just incredible. I have come to expect that kind of battery drain from a ported IM client like Kik or WhatsApp, but a weather app? You don't have to take my word. Uninstall it for a day and see how your phone thanks you.

Oh, and its way past bedtime also. Night all!

Boris Lozac

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Aug 10, 2013
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Thanks Justin, Weather FLow has been the only background service (recently battery sense also) since i got the phone and i have huge drains every 5, 6 days. It's one of the things i still haven't tried to see if it is the problem. Might aswell unninstall it and see what happens.

Boris Lozac

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Aug 10, 2013
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I thought so, was going really good, like 15 days of no drain, but then it happened again.. So yeah, but thanks anyway, WF could be one of the problems too. I'm now using Breez.

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