Taken with my Lumia 1520, slightly edited in Creative studio. I was on my way home from lame ole school when i saw this pile of awesome colored leaves to brighten my day.
I used Nokia Lumia 925 for this photo (edited with creative studio)
I like this Autumn colors and it is taken in one park near my home place. Hope you like it Greetings from Macedonia.
My favourite time of the year... Some gorgeous walking/running paths in my area, and great light which caught my eye on the particular day I took this with my 1020. Edited in phone using Lumia Creative studio.
Well I live in southern California desert and this is what autumn looks like here.
Taken with Lumia 1020 edited in Lumia default editing software with a little saturation and clarity.
PS. this is one of my favorite Deseret landscape pictures ever shot.
When I think of Autumn football is one of the first things I think of. I was driving through the University of Utah campus yesterday evening and decided to stop and snap this photo of a TRAX light rail train approaching Rice-Eccles stadium through the leaves.
I used a Nokia 925. Captured and edited using Lumia Camera.
Since we don?t have Autumn in Costa Rica, I present to you my very own Autumn in the Beach. I took this picture yesterday at a Caribbean beach called Puerto Vargas Beach, part of the Cahuita National Park.
Taken with my Lumia 1020, Lumia Camera, White-Balance set to sunny, edited and retouched with the Lumia Creative Studio App.
As today is Armistice Day when World War I came to an end I went for a walk, as it is non working day in Serbia. This photo was shot on quay by the Danube where I walk every day. I used Lumia Camera app on my L520 and edited with Photoshop Express editor online.
Nokia Lumia 928
Lumia Camera App
Edited with Fantasia Painter
I took the shot, then using Fantasia Painter "Colorize" tool and "Masking", I only allowed color to be present in the center window and the dog
Taken in Towson, Maryland
Autumn in Wisconsin can come in many flavors. A quick rain shower during harvest season produced this double rainbow over the ready to be harvested crops.
Taken with my Lumia 928 and edited in Creative Studio.