Weekly photo contest: Curves

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Sam Sabri

New member
Oct 12, 2010

Last week we were all about boats for our weekly photo contest. This week your job is to go out and find some sweet looking curves. Lines are all around, so head out and look for some lines in your environment that have a curve to them.


'Tetons and the Snack River is one of my favorite photographs by Ansel Adams. I love how the Snake River forms a gentle 'S' curve as it heads towards the Tetons. Head out this weekend and try and find some curvy lines in your surroundings.

The above photo at the top of this post is from the Lumia 635. Saturation upped a little bit and the image cropped for the site. Yup, the Lumia 635 and not one of my higher-end Lumias. We just reviewed the Lumia 635 and I thought this would be a good opportunity to show of the camera on it. I also like the gentle curved line formed by the seats at this angle.


Rules are going to be just like last week. Here they are:

  • Picture must be taken with a Windows Phone
  • Picture must be uploaded to the contest thread (linked below)
  • You have to tell us what device you used to take the picture, and any special software or apps you might have used. Editing your pictures is fine, this is art
  • Feel free to add a little back story, we want to know how the picture came to be
  • You must have used a valid email address to register here at Windows Phone Central, so I know how to contact the winner
  • Only ONE entry per week per person


We're going to continue our social experiment from last week. Share any pictures you take for the contest on Instagram, Twitter and Fhotoroom using the following hashtags. It's a fun way to at a glance check out your competition and get inspiration. Plus we're building a community of Windows Phone mobile photographers!

Here's how it looks this week.

  • #WCpc
  • #CurvesWC

This doesn't count as your entry; it's just a fun way to track the photos on social media. Your entry still needs to be in the forums!


One winner will get a $25 gift card to the Windows Phone Store. You can use it to buy apps and games in the Windows Phone Store, Windows Store or Xbox Store.

We'll pick a winner Tuesday night (November 4) at 11:59 PM ET. Winners will be announced in a blog post for the contest next week.

Good luck and have fun!
Curves.. :wink:

This is basically a building in Sydney city called Legion House, a block away from my office

Taken with Lumia 1020, edited with Creative Studio

Shot this rainbow (it has a curve, right?) with a Lumia 1520. No post editing done apart from resizing to upload it here, just stock image. It was sort of random, was playing my xbox and saw this outside of the window. Took a picture and the rainbow was gone after a couple of minutes.
Location: Boston, MA

Late afternoon sun shining on a speaker case. HTC Radar, Fantasia and Fhotoroom, my ever reliable combo.
This is the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco. At night they turn off the fountains in the garden and it reveals this lovely view.

Taken with a Lumia 1020 using HDR Photo Camera and edited with Fhotoroom.
Magic of shutter speed bringed me to the curves...my lumia 620 with nokia camera �� gives me some professional ops...!!!
How does it look like, when your life hangs by a thread? This is how it looks:


Took a shot of the Singapore Flyer from a tour bus, using my Nokia Lumia 920 and edited using Adobe Photoshop Express. It was quite cloudy /gloomy that day, and I wasn't very happy with the way the flyer looked in the photo, so I cropped and rotated the pic to create this "idea in image" snap.

Best of luck, everybody!
WP_20140421_19_19_46_Pro_hi-res.jpg This was taken at the Napili Kai's pool during night time in my home state of Hawai'i while I was visiting. Taken with my Lumia 1020 (No edits nor adjustments).
Dust, Smoke and a Dirty Windshield
A curved flyover which I captured before entering a round about on my way to work. It was taken during a bad hazy day thus the title. This was edited using Lumia Creative Studio if I remember correctly.
A part of my guitar - I think she has some curves :evil:
Taken with Lumia 720, edited by Adobe Photoshop Express
Took this while walking around Hong Kong using my trusty Lumia 920 and fixed a bit using Adobe Photoshop Express.

This was shot with a Nokia Lumia 1020, handheld, in RAW. Processed in Darktable. Location is the "Conf?rences des Ev?ques de France" (The Bishops' Conference of France) which is the national episcopal conference of the Roman Catholic bishops of France. We could visit it during the European Heritage Days
It is a newly opened mall in Hyderabad, India. captured with lumia 720 using Microsoft Photosynth and slightly edited with Lumia creative studio.


Taken in Barcelona (Spain) with Lumia 720
Processed with Fhotoroom + a bit of Photoshop Express (Mobile) then cropped&resized with XNView on Windows and saved as PNG with no compression for "full quality" before uploading it.
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