Sunrise in Seattle, 7/10/14. Taken before the sun came over the city, Mt. Rainier is visible behind the port. The Seattle Aquarium is at left, with the Great Wheel beyond. Smith tower rises just above them both, once the tallest building in the West.
Taken with Lumia Icon, Nokia Camera; minor postprocess in Adobe Photoshop Express.
EXIF (ver 0230):
Lumia 929
1/170 sec exposure
ISO 100
0 step adjst
Standard metering
Ok, so... I took this photo using Lumia 820 and Nokia Camera app. No filters added nor any editing. Picture taken in Krak?w, Poland on the roof of a Music School near the Old Market Square. Hope you will like it!
Top of My World Lumia 720
Editted in Photoshop CS5
Found this little ambitious bug early in the morning. I cheered it on and gave him some life advice.
Cruise to Bermuda (Celebrity Summit), Stupid me drank an espresso and couldnt sleep at all. Looked at the clocked said 5:30, so I went up sat on the deck by myself till 6:30 and got this picture.
Lumia 925, creative studio to add alittle vibrance.