Weekly photo contest: Sunrise

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This my sunrise captured photo from my Lumia 1520. After long long time i enjoyed vacation and this moments are special for because i bought new Nokia smartphone !! I love to captured with Nokia devices and this is the best shot of my life with Nokia Lumia 1520
This photo was taken from my Lumia 525 using Nokia Camera. No editing has been done it is just as it is. I just love when the sun rays breaks out from the clouds. This photo was taken in Mumbai, India

DEVICE - Nokia Lumia 520
TIME - Morning (Sunrise)
LOCATION - Mumbai (India)
STORY - Early Rise & Shine on a Sunny Summer Day, trying to exercise your own out, & the shadow of the day embracing the world in grey.
EDITING - No Editing, no Filters, original Raw Image
An apple orchard at Central Otago, NZ. I worked there as a working holiday maker. Taken early winter this year using Lumia 920, Nokia Camera app, no edit.
Adunate II (7).jpg

This photo was taken in 2012 I guess, in a february morning in Sibiu, right after my night shift. It was around 8 o'clock. I had to wait for a car. The light was nice and my Windows Phone was there with me :)
Back then I had an „old” HTC 7 Mozart. Now I bought much recent Lumia 1020. But I don't have any sunrise picture yet.
Have fun!:wink:

PS - It is not edited photo.
LUMIA 520...!!

Here in India the sunrise is brighter...
Captured in my college... Its like a new hopes and the rays to start a day..! :)

I took this picture yesterday morning right after i left my house for my morning run. The temperature was perfect and there was a slight breeze, but the sun, and the rays poking their heads through the clouds were both just perfect. It was the perfect morning for a run. I used my Lumia 1520 to take this picture, and I used the Nokia Camera app to take it. I have not modified the the photo in any way, and the picture shared is the raw image.



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Arenal Volcano, San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica. At the first minutes of the day :)
Taken with my Lumia 1020 using Nokia Camera, no editing.
Device: nokia lumia 810 and I didn't edit this picture
story: I was working at a house at 7 am and the sun and the tree was just right so I decided to take a picture of the tree.
WP_20140730_19_15_20_Pro (2).jpg

Slowakia, Dolny Kubin. On My Way To Work. I call it "Aladdin bottle" edited Nokia creative studio, Nokia Lumia 1020
The idea is good. Atleast, it helps some of the users to watch the sunrise once in a while. But i don't have any idea how to upload a photo for the contest.
Please help.
I took this pic around 6 am while I was travelling through train to meet my parents.
I call this picture "Dreamy Eyes". Every morning we wake up with a new dream.

I took this picture by my amazing Nokia Lumia 925, Nokia Camera app.
Instagram: hemempyx
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