What are good options for Smart watches that work with the Win10 Mobile?

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Check bluetooth settings on W10M and make sure bluetooth is Not In saver mode. I had issues with notifications when I first connected my Band 2 and it was because bluetooth on Idol 4S was shutting off automatically!! This happened again after a major update and I had to turn the saver mode off again. I haven't used my Idol since Oct, so I'm not sure what that mode was called exactly in bluetooth settings, but it'll be obvious when you run accross it.
Sorry if I'm late to the party but my Ionic works perfectly with my Idol 4S and x3. Calls, texts, emails, calendar and Facebook (imagine that) notifications come in perfectly. Fitbit Pay works flawlessly so I'm not left out in the cold as far as mobile payments are concerned. However, Edge being Edge - it knocks out notifications from just about every other app.
With the 4-5 day battery life, i love my Fitbit versa, it last longer than an apple watch, it receives calls, text (but you can't reply), calendar and email notifications. The fitness tracking is on point. It's also light and not too bulky like the band watches.
Fitbit supports Windows 10/Windows 10 Mobile, they have an up to date UWP app. Seem pretty commited to windows users.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 isn't supported (it's very basic but it's got mega battery life), but there's third party support (you just need to pair it to an android device once, do the updates, then WM10 will see it). Mi Band 3 is coming out this year, so hopefully the creator of that app will do the same with mi band 3.
I would recommend using the new Apple watch with Nike strap. It's so beautiful and smart.
How exactly is the Apple Watch supposed to work with Windows, or even Android for that matter? This thread is about watches that work with Windows 10 Mobile.
I may have inadvertently stumbled into something worthwhile. Using the latest version on a non-supported phone usually brings an unspecified set of problems but I didn't think Fitbit connection would be one of them. I use a Fitbit Ionic and it's always worked very well but there are times when the connection gets "delayed" for lack of a better word. Notifications come in as much as 15 minutes late or not at all yet the tracker info stays up to date.

Since getting 1709 on my Acer Primo, the problem became almost unbearable so I went digging and found the answer. Well, it's turned out to be MY answer - your mileage may vary. I went to Settings>System>Battery>Battery Usage By App and toggled the Fitbit app from "Managed By Windows" to "Always Allowed In Background". I did this on Monday before the October Update and I haven't missed a notification since. In fact, I think my battery life has increased slightly which I would assume it's because the phone isn't always "Looking For Tracker" every time I go to the Fitbit app. Going to try on the HP x3 this weekend to see if it was a fluke or the real McCoy.
Still using Band 2 with bum GPS because it works well with 950 XL and the alarm actually wakes me up. I use a Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music for activities that require GPS, running, biking, etc. and sync with my Surface Pro or V20. I used a Fitbit Ionic for just under a month with V20 and returned because of defective battery and lack of app functions, mostly activity related. Garmin Connect is so much better. The Fitbit sync / notifications was sketchy with my Idol 4S and V20.
Garmin Connect works really well now with my Lumia 950 xl and my Garmin fenix3 HR. I use to have frequent problems so I had to reset the app and pair my watch and phone again but they must have fixed it now everything has been working fine. It might not work with every Garmin watch, but fenix3 HR seems to be ok now with wm10 on lumia 950 XL.
Going to try on the HP x3 this weekend to see if it was a fluke or the real McCoy.
One week into the experiment and the x3 is working just as perfectly with the Ionic as the Acer Primo did. The watch reconnects with the phone immediately after I've gone out of range with no fuss.
Anyone rebuilding Band 2's out there? I just repaired another crack on mine that developed near a repaired crack! I now have 4 repaired cracks and another one developing! My current method using crazy glue and thin polyester landscaping fabric is working much better than Sugru. To bad Garmin is no longer providing W10M support with their latest watches. I really prefer their app over Fitbit or Band 2.
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