I honestly wasn't expecting so much interaction. But hey, cool

My turn now: I found this tanks game I used to play on my ATARI like 12 years ago. It's called Battle City - Super Tank 1990. Although I didn't have games in mind when I made this thread, I love this game so much because it gives me a kind of a nice nostalgic feeling, it also uses so little battery compared to other games, so I think it deserves to be mentioned - It's cool, try it out.
There's this LEO Dictionary app that I use on daily basis, really helpful if you're learning German, or a german speaker learning another language (French, English.. etc)
Maps App Discovery, which is a google-maps-like app that helps sometimes when the Windows maps doesn't do the job.
There's also Ultimate Torch, which is a flashlight app that I find really cool, even though one doesn't need it anymore because ever since W10M came out you could access the flashlight from the Action Center, but still, it's like the coolest Flashlight app to have ever existed in my opinion, especially with its Batman Mode