Viber - (Free Calls and Txts!! haha)
ProShot - (Makes me feel like a pro)
Rando - (Randos from strangers is fun and gives me a peek to another world)
Battery - (The one by Arthur Semenov works and includes shortcuts to connectivity)
God's Promises - (My daily dose of the good word)
Here Maps - (Guides me even in remote provinces!!)
Nokia Music - (Introduces me to cool new tunes)
Simple Calendar - (Very functional and hip looking tile)
SoundHound - (I just launch this app if I do not the name of a tune and it works!!)
Photosynth - (Cool way of keeping a memory)
Facebook (not a favorite but I use it frequently. Lol
Facebook Beta (Microsoft)
Twitter (Microsoft)
MyTube (Ryken apps)
WPCentral (JayT)
GoogleMaps Client (
Amazing Weather HD (EizSoft)
Translator (Microsoft)
Quick Settings (Colorful Studio)
IPLA (Redefine) - it's available in other countries as well.. for poles in Ireland, UK, USA (polish tv online)
Transportoid Beta (FTL Software) - available only in local polish store. (public transport timetables)
I won't do my Top 10, but I will say my number one app right now is 911 Scanner. It's simply awesome. It has local police & fire dispatch as well as dispatch from all over the U.S and the world. It is one of the best apps if not the best app I've found since I've been using a Windows Phone.
If you wanna hear instant action, dial it in to the LAPD Citywide Dispatch lol
My Top 10 Apps
1. Whatsapp
2. Metrotube
3. Fuse
4. Outlook Email
5. Twabbit
6. Internet Explorer
7. Nokia Drive
8. Fantasia Painter
9. Ruzzle (love the game)
10. App Highlights