What can Windows Phone do that iOS and Android can't?


New member
Apr 8, 2019
As a loyal WP user I'm often asked this question. With MS focusing on transitioning more into services and pushing more of their products/services cross platform this question becomes increasingly harder to answer. From a company (MS) perspective it's extremely lucative to focus on services. At the same time the company must drive WP to a preferred platform. To help accomplish this MS services that are cross platform must be best experienced on MS products.

Of course the APP situation is currently an uncontrollable pain point and you can't dispute an end-user looking for a specific app (ex: xyz banking) that doesn't exist in our ecosystem however WP needs more unique/useful offerings that the competitors can't duplicate. Many users and sales representatives are quick to dismiss WP without ever trying it let alone those who have tried it and complain about something needed as minor as a game (ex: Candy Crush).

If MS could partner with a leading developer on the next 'must have' app or game maybe the tides will begin shifting in our favor. Some exclusivity in access and features would be needed. Imbedding KINECT into WP sounds like a great idea in theory and will be useful however Samsung started using a touchless tracking system in 2013 which means KINECT will have to offer significantly more features to be a real game changer. Hopefully imbedding KINECT will not impeed features or performance like was discovered with the XBOX ONE.

I would definitely like to hear from others to list current advantages in choosing WP and what else you think WP needs outside of APPs that would make WP standout from the competition.
Windows Phone gave me everything I like best about Android together with everything I like best about IOS. And did it beautifully.
It doesn't do everything I like anymore, but what it still does, it does well enough. It's still doing it beautifully and it's a daily delight to use.
I'll keep using it until the day it dies.
WP needs nothing cuz that's exactly what it'll get, N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Waaaay to late in the game here to start dreaming and hanging onto hope imo.
I can't imagine myself leaving this platform. Why they don't reléase again a mobile? Why they don't tell nothing about Andrómeda or Surface Phone?

Andromeda, from what I've been seeing on the web and hearing on the Windows Central podcasts, is taking a back seat for now.

I haven't heard whether it has been cancelled, I don't think it is, but it's in this state of limbo, where I don't think it will ever get released. Reason is, it has no use case. Launching it isn't going to compel developers to port their apps all of a sudden as android is going to have the same sort of devices this year.

Bottom line is, MS app store is too abysmal to entice any developer from considering it.
I doubt MS will ever release another mobile device. It certainly seems that way. Instead they are focusing on their own services and putting those on the remaining mobile platforms that succeeded. It's the only way for MS to stay relevant after all.
What can Windows Phone do that ios and android can't? Lose support from the manufacturer in a few weeks time with no chance of new phones ever becoming available. Unforgivable.
What can Windows Phone do that ios and android can't? Lose support from the manufacturer in a few weeks time with no chance of new phones ever becoming available. Unforgivable.

Check out the newly announced Surface Duo, and see what you think of that. MS is back with a Surface mobile. Sure, it runs Android, but I'll take it.
Honestly nothing.

I remember why I got attracted towards Windows phone.
it was just unique & different. start screen, system wide accent color , system wide dark mode , app designs with big bold fonts & horizontal scrolling interface, context menu which can access through lower part of screen instead of ugly hamburger menus. perfect virtual keyboard, that beautiful photos app (wp7,8 version ) etc.
Nokia's beautiful hardware lured me.
unfortunately app gap & super slow Microsoft who in my opinion were too slow to bring improvements in os department killed it.
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Honestly nothing.

I remember why I got attracted towards Windows phone.
it was just unique & different. start screen, system wide accent color , system wide dark mode , app designs with big bold fonts & horizontal scrolling interface, context menu which can access through lower part of screen instead of ugly hamburger menus. perfect virtual keyboard, that beautiful photos app (wp7,8 version ) etc.
Nokia's beautiful hardware lured me.
unfortunately app gap & super slow Microsoft who in my opinion were too slow to bring improvements in os department killed it.

Exactly this. Sadly.

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