It's a fairly small group at the moment. Just over 200.
You know I always thought that when referring to volunteers here I always assumed it was just random people (maybe like myself) who have a natural tendency to wonder around the forums here and either help folks or have positive engagements with other enthusiasts. I never knew before that the volunteers here (Mobile Nations) actually have different "official" titles. Go figure.
Yep! It's pretty cool.
Depends on what is happening with the specific platform, and even the time of year. Summer in the northern hemisphere tends to cause the forums to slow down as people are out and about enjoying the weather.I'm not sure I would go as far as cool. Now that I am aware of this, the more I notice that almost all discussions in the forums here are mostly just discussions between "volunteers."
Depends on what is happening with the specific platform, and even the time of year. Summer in the northern hemisphere tends to cause the forums to slow down as people are out and about enjoying the weather.
I attribute the slow down on the WC platform to the fact that there is currently nothing new to talk about unless you want to talk about Android or iOS
I never mentioned anything anywhere about a slow down. Not sure where that is coming from. I just mentioned an observation about discussions in general. That is all.
I may have gotten way off topic, but I 'have' noticed that the Windows Mobile traffic has slowed to a crawl...and I hope it changes soon
Yes, I hope so too. I check back every week or so to try to keep up to date on the status of Andromeda. And look for discussions on whether this is still planned, or canned.