What Do We Look Like?

This was taken a couple years ago. Me, wife and friend (the photobomber) went on our yearly trip to the Philippines. This was taken while snorkling off the shores of Puerto Princessa, Palawan, Philippines.

You look really good in that. Fits you. But me I look like a complete different person don't you agree?. Check out my pictures or my profile picture
your pictures don't show up when i click the link on chrome. you might have posted it wrong
oh. How did you do da preview on your photo?
in the quick reply bar you should see the option to insert an image. you just copy and paste the link into the box that shows up when you click on it. and it does the rest of the work for you
OK guys this is me. This was taken at my friend's birthday. With my first date. :D. I look like no geek at all. But I got the geek side of my personality. I am smart and stuff and do my work :lol:
balanced with geek and social guy :D


Taken from my Nokia Lumia 800 :D

Age 15 years old
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