What do you think about the future of windows


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Sep 22, 2017
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Hi there !

I'm a bit confused , because i'm looking since years for a digital home. I want ALL my digital things on the same place. First i was Apple User for many years. it was great ! Photos, Music, iCloud, iWork, Siri, iOS, MacOSX all was seemlesly and worked fine. Until steve jobs died and then.... we all know what's happened to Apple (no innovation, fails after fails) But thats not the main theme here....

Then i was a big fan from Microsoft. All my digital datas where stored at Microsoft's OneDrive. But to be honest. OneDrive is soooo lame (Check your Internet Connection)... Windows Photos is not usable (so slow) and OneDrive and Photos on Android is really not my thing compared to Google Photos or Google Drive. (Google Drive is 10x faster and Photos are seperated from Drive). MSBand II killed, Groove killed, OneDrive lame, Docs dot com killed, OneNote is also slow (several minutes synctime) At Google this happens instantly. WinMobile killed and and and..... i guess you know what i mean! Microsoft is not trustworthy anymore :-(

So i went to Google. And here (Google Drive is faster than light), Google Photos is great and superfast, Keep is fast and lightweight compared to OneNote. Google has the brilliant google Assistant (Cortana is not even available in my country) Google Docs is for free and works great ! I sold my Desktop PC and since 3 months i use ONLY my Samsung Note 8 on the go and the DEX Station (a kind of continuum) at home on my Android based desktop. Really some of you can't believe it, but i can do ALL i want ! i can even play GTA V via CloudStreaming game services like vortex dot gg .I can create Games with Construct3 and I also use a Samsung Gear VR2017 with bluetooth controller. My i7 was not able to play VR Content.

What i want to say is:

Android is able to do all things we normaly do. Office, Surfing the web, Games, Painting , Photos, reading News, Emails, SocialMedia, even Videoediting is easy to do with (KineMaster) even GreenScreen Effects are possible. And it's all in one ecosystem.

Microsoft has no Mobile section anymore, not a real streaming service for Music (Spotify is NOT an option for me!) So i use GooglePlayMusic (works great !)

At this moment i don't see, why i should come back to windows 10. And i'm afraid, that other people also make the same experiences and so they will also see, that Android is the "better windows" for most of us. And if this happens the days for windows or even Microsoft are counted !

What do you mean about the problematic situation of Microsoft/Windows.

Is there really a future ? Has Microsoft still some loyal users? Because my loyality is lost since they made just desicions against their consumer users. But to be honest. Yes Google is fast, great, thier services just works. But it's Google and so it is also not trustworthy :-( If there is a real future and if the Services from Microsoft would work also like Google's services. i would come back to Microsoft. But at this moment, this is not an option. Do you think there are better times to come for MS and it's users ?
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