What do you think is the best and the most beautiful Windows Phone?

Has to be the 800. That's what got me into Windows Phone in the first place. I loved the look of it & had wanted it ever since I'd seen it in its N9 form.
For me the best device is the 1520, and the most beautiful is the 930 �� I love the look and display of the 930. What is Your best and most beautiful Windows device?

thats the beauty of it!! all Lumias are equally good looking right from the 520 to the 1520!!
theres a lumia for everyone
the htcs are also nice but lacks a little something sometimes otherwise great phones
the samsungs are rather sad imho,nothing different from android versions
the HTC One M8 for windows is a great lookinh phone imho!! something different than the usual windows phone designs and certainly better than samsungs offerings
925 it's gorgeous, for me it's the beauty of the lumia range,altought the 920 i used to feel special with it, confortable built like a tank,how i miss that tank sometimes... the best i think it's the 1520 but for me it's a bit too large to carry in a pocket.
The 5xx series: best prices...
The 7xx series: best designs(*)...
The 9xx series: balance between designs and specs(*)...
The 15xx series: best specs...
The 6xx, 8xx(*) and 13xx series: everything is in the middle, nothing best.
(*) The only 7xx now is the 720, wondering if 730 could take the best design title 😶.
(*) Personally, I prefer the 9xx designs to 7xx. 925 and 930's design is just awesome, the 930 little thick, though...
(*) The 800's design is better than the 900's imo.
And this is my pick: 930 as the "Beauty" and 1520 as the "Beast".

Lumia 800, 920, & 1520. HTC 8X & 8S. IMO, these phones looked the most wp metro/modern -- colorful, modern, and simple. Not a huge fan of the 925 & 930, looks a little too dull & iphone-wannabe-ish, but that's just my opinion.
Most beautiful - Gotta go the HTC 8x - In Blue. Proportionally, just looks and feels right. It could have easily been scaled up to a larger format.
The best for me would be the 1520(this would have been my next phone unfortunately some turn of situation came up:unhappy),the most beautiful is the 925(i had the chance to use my friend's gray 925 for a while),and my 720 simply the most elegant,peace and cheers to all!
I love my Icon...

But when we talk about beauty & originality, this is the order for me:

1.) 920
2.) 1520
3.) Icon/930
1520, but I think the Icon/930 looks really nice. I just haven't held one. It could win me over, even though I love this big, beautiful 6" screen.
For me 1520. Fell in love the day I saw it and its design and after a few tests it tricked me into buying it (or better have it as a gift). I am still in love with the device. Less with the of OS and its quirks.
The one that each one of us owns. Love your own. Right? :)
I wanna say my 1520, but I guess you will say your phone is the best?
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I have never had a problem with my 720. I have come across many forums regarding heating issues, screen problems etc. I play asphalt 8 for long periods, phone barely gets warm. A beautiful piece.
Nobody seemed to notice but the 820's the most awesome compact and complete smartphone there is. 930 may have the coolest looks of all now but the measly 32gb is a turn off

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