What do you think is the best and the most beautiful Windows Phone?

Yeah the Icon or 930 are beautiful! I only would like it had a sd-card slot and a removable battery...

Why Nokia produce phones without removable battery? Anyone knows?

About SD Card slot, I can't even guess what the hell was Microsoft thinking...
And about removable battery, I think it makes the unibody (like 920) or non-removable back cover (like 930/Icon) designs possible, which increase the phone's durability.
HTC 8x. 8x for me embodied Windows Phone. It ran smooth and its mid range specs allowed it to be quite thin. I'm kind of sad to see OEM's moving away from plastic because it helped set it apart. The colourful rubbery polycarbonate of the 8x was a joy to hold and look at. Unfortunately HTC didn't give a **** about WP even though it had a great device. No marketing = no sales.
Lots of Lumia love, and deservedly so, but as far as design and aesthetics:

WP7 - Dell Venue Pro. Probably the most beautiful phone ever to grace WP's lineup.
WP8 - Samsung ATIV SE. Has anybody seen this beast? Go to a Verizon store and check it out.
The HTC Arrive is probably the most attractive phone I've seen. I miss when it was acceptable to have both a touchscreen and physical keyboard.
I have become literally obsessed with the Nokia Lumia 930 (Icon) The overall feel, the perfect (for me) size, the specs, the way the display glass appears to be just about to spill over and the aluminum trim. I have never been so enchanted with a piece of Tech. Not even my Texas Instruments 99 when I was 11 years old. Now if I can just get it...........
I have a soft spot for lumia 800.It was the perfect device.If only it had windows phone 8 instead of 7.8..Wish they could release it with updated software and some hardware and camera improvements..I would buy it in a heartbeat
I have a 1520. I have tried a 520, 900, 1320, 1020. I love my 1520, even im having a phantom touch issues every hour of the day. I love it. I wish it will get fixed.
Ps. Anyone, how can i get it fixed?
I believe L925 is one of the best looking in the series backed by L720... Metallic finish is what makes 925 stand apart really a gorgeous phone and slim and compactness is what makes L720 stand out in my opinion.
930 is also a nice looking phone but I don't feel something very special about it apart from what's inside of it, and 1520 is too big for me I would have loved it if only it was a little smaller
For me if we ignore the fact of worldwide availability: The HTC One (M8) for Windows is the most beautiful
The Best would be the Lumia 930
And as per worldwide availability, the most beautiful would as well be the Lumia 930
That aluminum side frame.
I have become literally obsessed with the Nokia Lumia 930 (Icon) The overall feel, the perfect (for me) size, the specs, the way the display glass appears to be just about to spill over and the aluminum trim. I have never been so enchanted with a piece of Tech. Not even my Texas Instruments 99 when I was 11 years old. Now if I can just get it...........

I totally agree with you! :)
My wife has a 925 and it is a Bute. If they would have given it a SD card or 32GB of memory they would have sold a ton more of them. I bought it for myself but knew I could never get by with only 16GB of memory. Still every time I see her using it I get jealous.of how it looks. I prefer my 820, but it ain't as pretty, not by a long shot.
It's a close tie for me between the 925 and 1520..they basically have the same design/look...the 925 just has the aluminum rim...other than that the backs,sides and front are literally the same..
930 is nice bit I like the edges you see around the front of the 830,1520,and 925...the 930's front doesn't have em'

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