What Drives me crazy about Win 8


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Nov 25, 2010
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First off I'm in the I love Win8 camp, with that said there is one thing that drives me nuts with our @home PC. if I or my wife is on it even if one of us is still logged in I have to add that dam password. Would have been nice to add the option where as you don't have to add the password. Our home PC is in a central spot for everyone to use. It's not this rig that's in my home office. It's the home PC. My question is am I missing something is there an option within the OS that would free up that password?


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Oct 30, 2012
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You can let your PC run in a local account then you can remove the password. But the draw back is that cloud services will not sync.


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Nov 25, 2010
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Yea I though about that, I can see the need for the password log, but I can also see the need for not having. It should be an option I know when on the road with my laptop I like the password log. But at home on the family PC I can't see it.


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Apr 8, 2012
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I'm a firm believer that everyone should have their own accounts and a guest or limited account for random people, with an easy password as well.

With windows 8, the guest/family accounts need to be local, meaning not tied to a Microsoft account. You can easily change this in the PC settings.


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Apr 18, 2012
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I don't understand what "drives you crazy"
really... you want Microsoft account tied to your windows 8 computer and then expect it to be insecure not asking for a password? I mean, like an official button from Microsoft? its your MICROSOFT ACCOUNT. with billing information, passwords and all, they just let you make your windows computer so insecure! not from them at least.

of course there are some ways to avoid typing a password.

you can try the usual control userpasswords2
also you can go to PC settings and tell the computer not to ask for a password if a person wakes up the computer.
you can put a pin and just type 1111 if it ask for a password, because sometimes it does.

or you can simply put your computer (and the easier and official way) in Local account! the only difference it wont sync anything, but you can add your account to your mail, and store and it would work the same, only without the synching stuff.

but its silly to say something drives you crazy because you want something that would make windows insecure because again, if you windows is tied to your Microsoft account, it becomes potentially dangerous if people can easily walk and turn on and change whatever they want to change or get billing information or something like that.

so I would suggest if you want it you can get it easily through local account. or the other ways like control userpasswords2. and see if you can avoid typing a password more often.


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Dec 30, 2010
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You can also go to your Start Screen and type netplwiz

Make sure you're searching Apps

Then look for a check box labeled "User must enter a user name and password to use this computer."

Uncheck that box and click OK.

It will ask for your password to verify that you really want to do this.

Type it in and then you'll be able to log into accounts without a password.

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