What exactly is the "Creators Update" and what will it do for Windows mobile?


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Dec 22, 2014
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I don't know how anything could be "slowing them down" any further at this point, when they're completely dead in the water. But, sorry to be such a drag on their resources by sticking with Windows Phone since day 1, and buying 3 different phones. I deserve to be under the bus.


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Apr 1, 2012
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I look at it the same way I do when the automotive manufactures were faced with unleaded fuel; they didn't spent all their time trying to retrofit cars with the older engines, they just moved on, taking on the new challenge. The consumer took a bigger hit back then, and now you have 10% ethanol (and efforts are being made to increase that percentage); I haven't had an engine that runs right now that its impossible to find stations that doesn't have ethanol included.

Trying to retrofit older phones for a technology they will never be fully able to power, may just be slowing MS down and their ability to fully focus on future mobile devices.
To make pre-1974 engines run on unleaded didn't require any retrofit. If you wanted a grenade in a few thousand miles. Hardened valve seats are a necessary evil to offset the loss of lead's lubrication properties.

Unless someone figures out a way to cheaply swap out the silicon on older handsets, you outta gas. You can't reasonably expect a phone to be able to receive updates 3 years after purchase. I'm sure this Idol will be dropped in a couple of years from a future update, but I bought it for what it does today. I don't know why that's such a difficult concept to grasp for some people.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

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