What games do you want to see ported to Windows Phone?

i would like audiosurf tilt from the zuneHD ported over (granted it's not from another cell phone, but it's close :p)

the game was a blast, i got to use my own library in it, it was simple, quick to pick up when i had a few minutes to kill in a line, and didn't have to stop listening to the music i was listening to (for the most part). think of all the fun achievements that could be added to it!

plus, it should be fairly simple to port over given the similar-ish platforms.

This is the game that convinced me a ZuneHD was a good investment, and we all know how well that went. I realize the ZuneHD wasn't a cell phone, but it was a mobile device, and one our beloved Windows Phone is heavily based in, so I can't imagine it would be that difficult to port.

Edit: I have been beaten to the punch, lol.

Edit 2: Several times.
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Metal Gear

I would love to have Metal Gear ported. My assistant at work has an iPod touch when I see how the apple game store over powers all other mobile marketplaces it really frustrates me. I have always had a Windows Phone ever since the Windows mobile 5 days. Its time for Microsoft to step it up and outshine Apple and Android. It gets me frustrated when I see an advertisement for an app or game that shows usually at the bottom of the add what OS its available for and it always showing the Apple store and Android logo. I never see the Windows phone 7 logo.
Phantasy Star II

Honestly, Paul, you took the words right out of my mouth... err, hands?

The game I most want to see ported really is Phantasy Star II by Sega. Phantasy Star is in my top three favorite RPG franchises, and it even beats out Final Fantasy on my list. As you yourself mentioned, there is certainly a severe lack of fully fleshed out RPGs on our beloved Windows Phones, and a classic from the early days of gaming seems like it would satisfy both the desire for classic/retro games, the desire for RPGs, and my absolute need for Phantasy Star to be with me at all times.

Don't get me wrong, I want EVERY Phantasy Star game on WP7, but as this thread is about ports from other phones, Phantasy Star II is a good starting point.
The game I would like to see Infinity Blades from Chair Entertainment to be ported to the WP7. Infinity Blades is a Role Playing Action RPG. This game was voted game of the year for the iphone and i believe if this would be ported to WP7 because this is very popular and many people would really love and enjoy this game. This game is an all time best, and the graphics are amazing, and would sell a lot on the windows phone.
I'd like to see cut the rope ported over.

I think it is the one of the new "it" games for mobile platforms. Its recent port to android was a huge sucess and it would be great to see some of that thrown WP7's way.
Words with Friends

I would love to see some Zynga games on WP7! Especially Words with Friends! I practically go on their Facebook page everyday and ask if we are getting it! I had it on my Evo and after the switch everyone was asking what happened to me! The game is very addicting and everyone is on it! I would mean a great deal to us WP7 users because it would mark the comparison between Android and iOS (because they can already play each other). Hopefully this becomes reality!!
I would like to see NOVA 2 by Gameloft ported to windows phone because it will be a great multiplayer game, the graphics are amazing and we really need more fps on wp. If it were integrated so that you could play with people who had iphones, the multiplayer would have a lot of people online. I'm also sure that a lot of people would buy this app because it would be the first fps on wp.

i would really love to see Order & Chaos brought to wp7! i feel this game would run better on my HD7 then on any android/iphone! also Backstab, modern combat 2(and every other Gameloft mobile game)would be awesome! i feel that this beats every other mobile phone at everything including gaming, so it's time we get the best games to prove it!!

P.S i think everybody would love to see Castle Crashers, Limbo, and deathspank on the Wp7 as well :) just off topic but still :)
I would love to see Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery for iOS ported to Windows Phone 7.
I have played most of the game on my old iPhone, but would jump on the chance to play it again.
S:S&S is a very unique adventure game in almost every aspect.
Visually the game has a beautiful 8-bit styling and amazing lighting and particle effects. The gameplay interweaves several genres from exploration, puzzle solving, and combat. The music is my personal favorite aspects of the game and often plays a major role in the puzzle solving aspects.
I do not see Superbrothers leaving Apples side anytime soon, but this game in perticular needs to be played, and experienced, by everyone.
China Town

Grand Theft Auto: China Town wars. Great adaptation of one of the most popular game series. The look of the game is very reminiscent of the first two grand theft autos. Great sound track and just a lot of hand held mayham. Something that we dont have much with the xbox live titles so far. And I could also see a lot of fun achievement being developed within the game to make it even more fun than on any other device.
my other suggestion would be scott pilgrim vs the world the game, but its not on any other hand held device, but that would be a great one player game if ubisoft or microsoft ever saw fit.
Not sure this counts since it's not from another portable platform, but I would think a no-brainer of an xbox live title would be "Risk Factions". It'd control perfectly on a touch device and have good looking graphics as well.
3 games and one app I'd love to see and use on windows phone

3 awesome games I'd like to see on windows phone and they are:

1-Dark Nebula By 1337 Game Design

Category: Games
Updated: Dec 22, 2010
Current Version: 1.3 1.3 (iOS 4.0 Tested)
Size: 26.1 MB
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Seller: 1337 Game Design
? 1337 Game Design
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

2-Robo Defense by Lupis Labs Software

CATEGORY:Arcade & Action
INSTALLS:500,000 - 1,000,000

3-Cannon Fighter By imecha

Category: Games
Updated: Oct 13, 2010
Current Version: 1.3
1.3 (iOS 4.0 Tested)
Size: 14.7 MB
Language: English
? com.imecha.cannonfighter
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

And one app"

Pulse oximeter apps using the real camera to measure the pulse
for example (like):

Heart Rate - FreeBy CMG Research
Use your iPhone's camera to measure your heart rate.

Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Updated: Feb 01, 2011
Current Version: 1.2 1.2
Size: 1.1 MB
Language: English
Seller: Chris Greening
? CMG Research Ltd 2010
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 4. Requires iOS 4.1 or later.
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I would love to see NBA jam (new version) from iOS get ported to the greatest WP7. There are not many sports games on WP7 and none as cool as NBA jam. Think about it, it's a perfect X-Box live game. Aside from the token leaderboards, there should be some really cool features to honor the x-box live tag.

You should have the option to challenge your x-box live games either over wifi or 3G+. Your x-box avatar and friends should be in the background watching the game or they should even make a WP7 exclusive and allow your avatar to enter a game modes like the dunk contest! Another thing that would be really cool is for it to connect to your kinect so that you can use the phone as virtual ball or even a coach's board for plays (360 version). It can even connect to the the x-box 360 and actually play along with your phone.

It's perfectly doable, i mean the game runs fine on my bro's 3GS (i've now convnced him to make the jump and he's now got a Omnia 7 ;) so the hardware is there.. Hey you guys wanted interesting and how could the game and those features not be convincing that it MUST be done!
Great responses so far, everybody! Another reminder, the contest is asking about mobile games you want ported, not console games! A few entries seem to be wishing for console games (i.e. Halo Wars) and should be revised before we can accept them. We might ask about console games in the future though!
As boring as it may seem, I'd like to see Paper Toss (Backflip Studios) ported over to the WP7. Back when I had a 'droid I literally spent days playing that game whenever I had a free minute, it's great to just pick up and kill some time while waiting for a train or on a lunch break, and I can just imagine me trying for hours to get the "15G - Bounce off the side and in 10 times in a row" Achievement only to fail on the 9th one every time lmao.
Would love to see Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds Seasons to come over to WP7. Also Cut The Rope would be groovy also.
I would like to see Resident Evil 4 from Capcom ported to Windows Phone. RE4 is one of the finest and most technically accomplished console games of recent years. The mobile version is a highlights package of the original, bringing some of the most memorable sections and trimming a lot of the narrative fat of the console version. And I'm proud to say I owned every single version of this game except I no longer have the mobile version since swapping my iPhone for a Windows Phone. The controls aren't the best but I think it's only because it was rushed out. I'd love to get some achievements for playing this game because I know what I'm buying...stranger!
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I would really like to see Peggle, from Pop Cap, ported to WP7. I had it on the iOS ( & Xbox 360) and would spend many moments trying to clear the pegs. It is a great time-waster, and is also a game that requires critical thinking and timing skills.

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