What happened to the good ol' Windows Central article qualities?

matt john2

New member
Apr 14, 2014
Now I know you know it by now, Windows Central articles have become quite frankly mostly crap put together to make a crap, where are the good articles that we used to love?

I also can't help but notice that MSPoweruser articles are now far more relevant than what WC is outputting.
There have been many occasions where MSPoweruser articles are more informative and make readers up to date. I know writers just want to meet the deadline but to be honest very few are relevant to the current topic and very few articles are useful.

I know I'm harsh but no hard feelings you guys, I'm just an avid reader asking for relevant articles.
Can you give some examples? (What was better in the past, which articles here are crap and what is better on MSPoweruser)

I like the in depth articles here about Microsoft and their strategy. What I don't like are the various "What is the best touch Laptop" or "what is the best Ultrabook" and so on. But I understand that they need something like that for making money so I can ignore that.
Can you give some examples? (What was better in the past, which articles here are crap and what is better on MSPoweruser)

I like the in depth articles here about Microsoft and their strategy. What I don't like are the various "What is the best touch Laptop" or "what is the best Ultrabook" and so on. But I understand that they need something like that for making money so I can ignore that.

Just visit the two sites and see who have more relevant articles and let yourself be the judge. I dont know about you but when it comes to tips and tricks about things unrelated to Microsoft neither of the two sites can actually give me useful information. And most readers/consumers will probably visit other sites that are more relevant to the subject they are looking for, heck if they even know WC at all. I also think that Windows Central readers are mostly Windows Phone enthusiast and that makes most of their articles useless for us. My point is, Windows Central is now biting more than what it could chew, they're trying too hard on a subject they barely know of. Why post something completely unrelated articles that are incomplete rendering it useless to the readers, I mean if they're going to post an article unrelated to Windows then they should at least be more in depth and entertaining. So in short, lessen the crappy unrelated articles and give us informative news.
Can you give some examples? (What was better in the past, which articles here are crap and what is better on MSPoweruser)

I like the in depth articles here about Microsoft and their strategy. What I don't like are the various "What is the best touch Laptop" or "what is the best Ultrabook" and so on. But I understand that they need something like that for making money so I can ignore that.

those cases and screen protector posts really get me lol
If anyone has some ideas or topic areas you'd like the editorial team to cover, please provide your suggestions here and I can pass them along!
One thing I have noticed the past few months is the large increase in gaming coverage. Maybe it time to split out X-Box & gaming like Android and Apple was split out. I believe it will become necessary to make this separation at some point. Just my 2 cents on that.

I know this is not a MS site but can't Mobile Nations exert some influence on MS to pay more attention to the Mobile aspects of Windows 10.
If anyone has some ideas or topic areas you'd like the editorial team to cover, please provide your suggestions here and I can pass them along!

More stuff about Microsoft and what they are doing. The articles here about MS stuff are pretty good I think, but most of the time they are quite general about: Windows 10, Surface, Windows Phone. What about other parts of MS like business, visual Studio, dreamspark, Office, behind the scene development stuff (how does the core of windos 10 works for example), history of MS. Its hard to put it into words, but I think Microsoft is such a big company but we only get articles about three topics. Maybe anyhting else would be to specific and not interesting enough for the typical reader, but I would like it. ;)
I just installed the MSPoweruser app and it is incredible compares to WC. Also, I agree that the articles are more informative and targeted. I find myself using WC less and less.
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Let's not SPAM for the competition here, K?
Personally I'd like the be able to filter out the gaming posts. I don't have time for games these days nor do I own an Xbox so these articles just end up being fluff to scroll by. Especially since they're relatively insignificant covering patches, some new feature in a random app, how to do X on an Xbox, etc.

Also the Digital Offers articles and savings articles, myAppFree, etc. are too much. I'm missing articles I am interested in (e.g. the HP Z2 and 10586 update, both of which are way down the page and I ended up hearing about them other less-specific sites.) because they're spread out and buried by the latest Amazon tech deal, mobile game offer or how to get more points in some random shooter.

WMPowerUser right now strikes a better balance (I used to say I'd come to WC for quality, WMPU for quantity on a slower news day but WC might have neither as the front page is right now. I'm not saying the articles are bad, I'm saying I see too much "net negative" posts.) and Pocketnow has a filter option based on OS and form factor. Even a dedicated site for Deals which I think is better and also doesn't permeate the news feed.
I use the Android Central beta app on my Android devices, which has a "core" feature so that I am able to see only the articles from the editors, not all of the writers.

I'd like to see something similar for Windows Central.
Those gaming related articles are now becoming obnoxiously annoying, why don't they just rename this site to Gaming Central since most of their articles are now more centred to gaming.

I really don't want to compare MSPowerUser but objectively those guys have more quality in their content. And their app is quite frankly far more superior, how did I say that? Well I'm still using the old version of Windows Central app because it's still more reliable than the newer one, shame isn't it?
Oh, Please.

Windows Central articles blow MSPU out of the water.

I have learned more about Microsoft from Windows Central and even ditched Google crap back in 2014 because of them. Windows Central also has a podcast, twitch, beam, giveaways, game giveaways and focuses on everything Microsoft, not just Windows.
Very true. Lots of great ways you can grab our content. Site, apps, podcasts, Twitch and more. And you're right on the money, a lot of great giveaways around these parts :) Right now we're giving away an HP Elite x3 Power Bundle (oh my).
I find it ironic that the most neglected part of the Microsoft business contributed the most to the forums. As noted earlier in this discussion when you include statements about Windows Phone and those "silly" little things that we care about, people comment and take interest. It shows by the numbers next to the articles. No fake new there.

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