Same post I've put in the other "why no icon yet" threads: Get serious is probably just a business issue- they still have inventory of 928s on hand to first unload. It is probably just that simple.
No company stays in business very long delaying something because they have too much of something else.
Think about it:
1) The Icon would sell faster than the 928, so they're losing sales
2) The Icon is aging, so they're losing sales
3) Given how delays are trickling, manufacturing had to have started, meaning Verizon likely committed some cash which they'd like to get back sooner.
The 928 is a sunk cost, and there are plenty of ways to get money back. Delaying another product isn't the way to do so. Do you ever see Apple pushing back an iPhone announcement to sell more of the previous iPhone? No. Because that's the way stupid companies that don't last long do business.