This has been repeated over and over again. Continuum is an interesting concept for a very few people because no traveling business exec can ever count on there being an appropriate keyboard, mouse, and display to plug into. Businesses don't just leave keyboards, mice, and screens lieing around unused in every conference room and office--they purchase gear that will be utilized near 100% of the time. Sure, the gear might be there, might be working, etc. But, even if the gear exists, you will need the keyboard, screen, and mouse when you are in the airport, in the hotel, in a restaurant, etc. So, it will make no sense to have a complete PC in your pocket when you will still need to carry the full laptop anyway--just more junk to lug around--and the laptop will always be more powerful, quicker to set up, more versatile, and much, much cheaper to purchase and maintain. On my last business trip I carried a bag of spare cables, connectors, adaptors, power supplies, etc. that was bigger than my laptop because I know no matter where I go on business something will be missing or broken. Adding your Continuum crap to the pile of junk you need to carry will not be all that popular.