What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differently?

Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

where did u buy your 640XL phone at?
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Check B&H. Its twenty some more but has free shipping (eBay shipping unknown because that part of the page is broken). Most importantly, B&H includes a full year warranty since MS won't warranty that model in the US. So if it craps out within a year they fix it or replace it. When the 1520.3 I bought from them died at week 5 or 6 they shipped me a new one. Which reminds me, my year is up later this month. Keeping my fingers crossed for no problems until the 950XL is out.

The eBay link above didn't work on my PC. Here is one that will: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-...http://www.ebay.com/itm/221755074690#shpCntId

Or rather would work if the forum software didn't break it so had to change it to text.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Does it take the standard sim as the regular 640 lumia does? Or what sim card does it take?
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Does it take the standard sim as the regular 640 lumia does? Or what sim card does it take?
Yeah, all 640s take the same size of sim: Micro SIM.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Okay thank you!!! Will look into buying it now.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Just bought the 640 from the Microsoftstore and love it. Would like to know if it is possible to turnon the wifi calling since this is a AT&T phone?
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Just bought the 640 from the Microsoftstore and love it. Would like to know if it is possible to turnon the wifi calling since this is a AT&T phone?

No. Use search. Was asked a hundred times.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Does wifi calling work on the AT&T variant?

Use the Force, Luke - read this thread from the beginning you must and answers will to your questions appear...

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Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

I, like many, have Googled this question. Right now there is a flood of AT&T Lumia 640 phones. The WiFi dialing is a big thing for some, including me. The question that needs to be answered is does anyone know if the chances are good some smart programmer will break the AT&T boot rom that stops flashing the phone to a Tmobile boot rom. This is all above my level, but I can follow instructions and would do it in a minute. Not sure why Tmobile stopped carrying the phone, my guess is a deal between Microsoft and AT&T.

Tmobile is my carrier of choice, they have great prices and treat me like they value me as a customer. Verizon and AT&T treated me like crap, Verizon and AT&T thought they were doing me a favor taking my money and allowing me to be their customer.

And of course in asking the differences the question is what are ALL the differences, I have the AT&T unlocked version, and wonder if I should look for the international version or a used tmobile, I don't like used phones so AT&T unlocked was the only choice right now.

So if anyone has a list of differences please let us know.

If anyone is working on a way to unlock the boot rom and reflash to a Tmobile boot rom please let us know

Thanks to everyone for all of your postings, well except for the duplicates. Sorry about my negative posts on AT&T and Verizon but my past experience with both carriers has been that bad. Tmobile may not have the best coverage, but they try very hard to make me happy, and since my first cell phone was 2 tin cans and some string I let the one bar service 2% of the time slide.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

If I buy Lumia 640 and unlock it, can we actually use it on T-Mobile and get 4G or even LTE?
I don't really care about wifi calling.

Thanks in advance!
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

If I buy Lumia 640 and unlock it, can we actually use it on T-Mobile and get 4G or even LTE?
I don't really care about wifi calling.

Thanks in advance!
Have a family member using an unlocked AT&T 640 on T-Mobile. No problems with LTE.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

Even if you would reflash to T-Mobile image it's unlikely WiFi calling would work. Reason is that very likely they use a generated key per device to enable WiFi communication. Without that it won't be able to authenticate so connection will fail.
Re: What is the difference between the 640 for AT&T, T-Mobile, & Unlocked?? Are they made differentl

I may be a little late to the convo, but I believe you can simply flash an unlocked 640 with T-mobile ROM/firmware to gain wifi-calling and band 12. I think there is actually a work-around to flash an AT&T 640 to T-mobile now too, but not 100% sure, but youd still need to unlock it from AT&T.

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