What is the dumbest thing you heard from someone about Windows 8

Well im told that windows 8 is not pretty because it's based on primary colors and the ony transparency is the task bar, otherwise its lacking gloss.
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It might not be "pretty", but those transparencies were a resource hog. Not having them in Windows 8 is one of the reasons why Windows 8 is less laggy than Windows 7 on the same PC.
For personal use the new start screen is much better because you all the programs on one screen, you don't have to navigate through sub categories to get the program you want. Its all in your face so to speak. And you can customize what's in your face.
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To be fair, a nice start guide with how the corners work, what the "start" screen really is would be helpful for business and non-touch screen users. Took me 2 weeks to find an article that said to close a metro app to take your mouse to the top of the screen and "pull" it down... that and "windows"+q is a life saver, that is all I used my start button for anyway. that and run which is pinned now.

Now that I've use it, I won't go back, though I do miss the "open folder" button in windows 7 explorer and windows areo, I really did like the transparencies.

If you're in an app and want to close it, alt + f4 will close it.
It might not be "pretty", but those transparencies were a resource hog. Not having them in Windows 8 is one of the reasons why Windows 8 is less laggy than Windows 7 on the same PC.

Well I really care more about the pretty of the task bar. Its not glossy, but it is transparent. I mean if I want more pretty I could just get the start8 from stardock and maybe get a pretty feature or two.
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Well I really care more about the pretty of the task bar. Its not glossy, but it is transparent. I mean if I want more pretty I could just get the start8 from stardock and maybe get a pretty feature or two.
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I agree. I don't care about pretty. I also run Linux, and the Gnome 3 desktop is not something one would call "pretty", but it works.
I just binged gnome 3 and some of it doesnt look ugly, it had transparency like windows 7. It has the task bar at the top. I always have mine at the top because that's the most comfortable position. I don't know if it's a theme or something but I looked at other screen shots and it either looks very dull and simplistic or cluttered. Hmm, maybe that's just a theme.
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I just binged gnome 3 and some of it doesnt look ugly, it had transparency like windows 7. It has the task bar at the top. I always have mine at the top because that's the most comfortable position. I don't know if it's a theme or something but I looked at other screen shots and it either looks very dull and simplistic or cluttered. Hmm, maybe that's just a theme.
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Probably a theme. There are a lot of themes for Gnome 3 and KDE 4.x.

Here are a couple screenshots of my Linux desktops.

This is Gnome 3.

This is KDE 4.8.4.

KDE definitely has transparencies.
The part where Windows 8 is not efficient for businesses is very true. Even after using it for two months and getting used to it, it was still a royal pain in comparison to Windows 7.
Having to switch from the Start menu to desktop or a browser using the corner was irritating, especially if you misclicked.
Though I did like the tiles, I still prefer good old desktop icons. Start menu as a separate window was a no-no for me.

While I can somewhat agree, I must say that for me the splitscreen function of Windows 8 far outweighs the negatives brought by the full screen start-menu.

And even generally speaking many of the new functions have my my computer using much more efficient. There are very few occasions where I feel the old Start-menu would've been better, but those are fairly rare. I wouldnt go back to Windows 7 anymore myself. I actually find myself cursing when I have to use a Windows other than Windows 8 :D
Huh from the gnome desktop im getting the vibe that you have something against Steve Ballmer and windows. Maybe im just seeing things. And the kde looks like simplified vista.
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While I can somewhat agree, I must say that for me the splitscreen function of Windows 8 far outweighs the negatives brought by the full screen start-menu.

And even generally speaking many of the new functions have my my computer using much more efficient. There are very few occasions where I feel the old Start-menu would've been better, but those are fairly rare. I wouldnt go back to Windows 7 anymore myself. I actually find myself cursing when I have to use a Windows other than Windows 8 :D

I would like a search widget on the desktop, instead of pressing windows key + F. I know it's a " charm " but I wish it would be like a black text box.
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Huh from the gnome desktop im getting the vibe that you have something against Steve Ballmer and windows. Maybe im just seeing things. And the kde looks like simplified vista.
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Linux users like to diss Windows mainly as a joke. I belong to two local Linux user groups. The members joke about Windows but really don't hate it. Many of the members are IT folks and run Linux servers and Windows desktops. Samba is the software that lets the Linux servers talk to the Windows desktops.

I really did hate XP. Incidentally, many of the folks I know in the Linux user groups finally upgraded their home versions of Windows to 8; they actually like it better than any other Windows version.

I really do not like Steve Ballmer and feel that Microsoft would be doing better if someone else ran it.

That KDE is a custom theme.
Really I just don't like Steve Ballmer because he's fat.
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LOL! I don't care what he looks like. I just don't think he has made the best decisions in the best time-frame to keep Microsoft moving forward.
He didn't. Isn't he supposed to retire in a few years. I think I read that somewhere, I could be wrong.
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W8 and WP8 are the same thing

Windows 8 can't work without a touch screen.

Cannot install things unless via windows store.

only 5 apps in the store

Windows is unusable without the windows 7 style start menu

Cannot search for files on the computer anymore

Live Tiles are a waterdowned version of widgets

The windows button on the phone doesn't turn the phone on.

I could go on forever.
W8 and WP8 are the same thing

Windows 8 can't work without a touch screen.

Cannot install things unless via windows store.

only 5 apps in the store

Windows is unusable without the windows 7 style start menu

Cannot search for files on the computer anymore

Live Tiles are a waterdowned version of widgets

The windows button on the phone doesn't turn the phone on.

I could go on forever.
The amount of ignorance in your post is hardly even worth a decent reply.

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