What is the dumbest thing you heard from someone about Windows 8

I do say that. Then I get asked are you in such a hurry? Or you can't wait a few second because your time is so precious.
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The wait time. Then it usually is followed by what makes yours better than mine and don't give me that bs where you tell me each person has a preference it doesn't work that way. You see it I sometimes find myself in a bit of a jam there and try to escape the conversation since im not a big fan of circular logic.
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My coworker started taking programming classes at a community college. He didn't know much about anything tech so this class has really taught him a lot. His professor talked to the class about windows 8 so I showed him my laptop...apparently his professor didn't know that win 8 still has the desktop screen =/ .
You realize this is just a matter of taste?

I find OS X terribly ugly, but most people would likely disagree.

I realize it's a matter of taste, but it's easy to tell when people are just making up stuff to bash it in any way they can. People just like to use hyperbole when they don't like something. They could just say, "I don't like the UI" instead of calling it ugly, but I guess they really have to make their hate known.

What really bothers me are all the people that just say that it sucks, when it's clear they haven't even tried it. People really seem to hate change, and it shows.
Well im told that windows 8 is not pretty because it's based on primary colors and the ony transparency is the task bar, otherwise its lacking gloss.
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O_O O_O O_o.... I want to play!

Live tiles and Widgets are basically the same thing...NOT!
People always ask me if it sucks. Why have so many people been slanted the wrong way about this OS?
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The wait time. Then it usually is followed by what makes yours better than mine and don't give me that bs where you tell me each person has a preference it doesn't work that way. You see it I sometimes find myself in a bit of a jam there and try to escape the conversation since im not a big fan of circular logic.
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I find it amazing how people perceive time differently. Heck even the same person can perceive the same span of time differently based on expectations or experience.
I think we need to be clear these days on what we are talking about. Are we talking about WP8 (windows phone), W8 (windows 8 for laptop or desktop?) or W8 RT (for arm based tablets)?

Each one has similar and different praises and criticisms.
Dumbest thing?
Well, I could share the funniest.

"Executive 1: So, what's going on with Windows Phone 7?
Executive 2: People aren't buying it.
Executive 1: What about the tablet version of Windows 7?
Executive 2: You know Windows XP Tablet Edition? It's selling just as much as that, sir.
Executive 1: Now, the real question. Is Windows 7 doing well?
Executive 2: YES. Why, it's the best---
Executive 1: FIX THAT, NOW!!!
And, that is how we ended up with Windows 8."
-from some random commenter on some tech site

Well, it's supposed to be a joke.
My coworker started taking programming classes at a community college. He didn't know much about anything tech so this class has really taught him a lot. His professor talked to the class about windows 8 so I showed him my laptop...apparently his professor didn't know that win 8 still has the desktop screen =/ .

I just started the Computer Network Operations course at my local CC. The teacher in my Managing Windows class said Windows 8 is out yet, and it needed touch to work properly. :(
Very true, JacksonSQD - this is now a very narcissistic society we live in, where people think everything they do/cook/say/look like, is worthy of being seen by all. To not like an OS because of Instagram = plain silly.
WP8: "huh, what! No instagram?! Why'd you get a Nokia instead of iPhone or Galaxy S3!"
"it has no apps, it's useless"

W8: "it's so hard to use."
"it just sucks"

Mmhmm. The last comment about WP8 pissed me off the most. When will people realize that it's quality over quantity. And it's def not useless. How many freaking apps do you have, and how many do you actually use!
That bugs me too, but someone here at work having a Lumia 920 and Win 8 on his laptop always tells people it is the same. So this is not only coming from ignorant people who don't care about Microsoft, but also from the fanbois, and he really is.

Why aren't they the same thing? WP8 is incomplete W8. It's W8 kernel on a smaller screen, small device with limitations.
Why aren't they the same thing? WP8 is incomplete W8. It's W8 kernel on a smaller screen, small device with limitations.

Personally I see W8 as an incomplete WP8 in regard of usability. The opposite may apply in terms of features. But there will be many, many people who see this differently, so here the reason why I don't think of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 as the same:

WP8 runs different Apps, has an entirely different handling, the menus and the UI architecture is not the same at all, it's just a different OS, even though it shares the kernel (I don't know to what extend, so I don't dare saying that in this case Windows 2000 and Windows 8 would be the same :wink: ) and the idea of the tiles with Windows 8.

It would be exactly like saying iOS is the same as OS X.
Also why do people keep posting stuff about WP8? This is a W8 thread.
I actually thought the title was "What is the dumbest thing you heard from someone about Windows Phone 8"..
Since I see more of WP8 threads than that of Win8..
Edit: I see WP8 as more of a cut-down version of Win8 RT..
But the dumbest thing I've heard from someone about Windows 8 is probably "the tiles are too large".
To be fair, a nice start guide with how the corners work, what the "start" screen really is would be helpful for business and non-touch screen users. Took me 2 weeks to find an article that said to close a metro app to take your mouse to the top of the screen and "pull" it down... that and "windows"+q is a life saver, that is all I used my start button for anyway. that and run which is pinned now.

Now that I've use it, I won't go back, though I do miss the "open folder" button in windows 7 explorer and windows areo, I really did like the transparencies.
My wife...

I don't understand how to use the computer now that you changed it. How are you supposed to even log in?

How do I open Internet Explorer. Is there a desktop? Where's the button? How do I close this? Why did another window open for the PDF I wanted to read?

After getting frustrated with her Galaxy S III

Maybe I will take your Lumia.

The part where Windows 8 is not efficient for businesses is very true. Even after using it for two months and getting used to it, it was still a royal pain in comparison to Windows 7.
Having to switch from the Start menu to desktop or a browser using the corner was irritating, especially if you misclicked.
Though I did like the tiles, I still prefer good old desktop icons. Start menu as a separate window was a no-no for me.
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