The title says it all. I work in a cellphone store, so I'm always around a charger and by the time I get out of work, I'm at 100% for my ride home, so I decided to change my setting from Auto to High.
I have mine set to auto. When I used an LG quantum my brightness was set to low, but the battery is so good on the Titan that I don't use a lot of battery conservation tricks like I did with the LG.
I set it to medium because I think it's more battery efficient than auto and the viewing's ok for most conditions. I manually change it should lighting conditions warrant it.
Auto during the day and low for evening/ night. Looks the best to me w/"red theme on low: the red is perfect- rich and deep - whereas the brighter settings seem to wash out the red a bit. I am discovering that different themes look best at different brigness settings: mango= bright, red=low...