What is your least favourite household chore and why?

Ceiling fans ... :angry:

I forgot about the mess they make dropping dust bunnies everywhere when you stop them and try to dust them off.
Washing my clothes, have to wash them by hands, cause no Laundromats nearby and my hostel doesnt get us a washing machine

My mom has one of these.

Believe it or not, they are still manufactured in Ohio by a company that was founded in 1895.
Isn't it true that cleaning or repairs are always easier at someone elses house?

For me? Weeding. Killing the stinking weeds. I can't grow grass, I can't do a garden, I can't keep a plant alive even if it is a cactus. I kill everything I try to grow.

But weeds?? The one thing I NEED to kill just comes back, and back, and back.....
Isn't it true that cleaning or repairs are always easier at someone elses house?

For me? Weeding. Killing the stinking weeds. I can't grow grass, I can't do a garden, I can't keep a plant alive even if it is a cactus. I kill everything I try to grow.

But weeds?? The one thing I NEED to kill just comes back, and back, and back.....

I'm with you, snowmutt. I just finished mowing and weed eating the yard....after I walked around for an hour pulling the weeds up! My thumbs are definitely not green.
I hate loading the dishwasher because I hate dealing with dirty dishes and the smell and it makes me gag lol

I also hate folding clean laundry because I have eczema and my hands and arms get really dry and it irritates me for the rest of the night.

Dear lord I'm a sissy haha
I have one of those irobot vacuum cleaners. If you hate vacuuming like I do, saving up a couple hundred dollars is well worth your time. That little thing is awesome! :)
I'm with you, snowmutt. I just finished mowing and weed eating the yard....after I walked around for an hour pulling the weeds up! My thumbs are definitely not green.

I gave up on houseplants. My aunt, my cousins, and a couple friends all have awesome houseplants.

Every houseplant I tried just died.
I gave up on houseplants. My aunt, my cousins, and a couple friends all have awesome houseplants.

Every houseplant I tried just died.

Me, too. But I have some sort of vine I'm trying to grow in my classroom. 28 people should be able to keep it alive...I think. :)
And just to make us non-green thumb people out there feel bad, there is evidence that plants have some sort of sensory/nervous system. So, they just might be able to feel us killing them. ;)

Ironing! When I do laundry, I make sure I am right there when the dryer stops to put my clothes on hangers, so they are wrinkle free. I always joke that I'm allergic to irons, lol.
We just bought a house this year so, most of it, hahah. I quickly joined the ranks of "why won't that dang grass stop growing" people.

Yard has too many plants, we are sorting through it now. Looks pretty bad in the back though.

We don't have our washer/dryer hooked up (no room, no gas supply to either), so using a mid-80s Maytag set that are depressing.

Quality tools make things better for me. I always liked loading up our laundry center and watching the load swish around, knowing it hardly used any water, and the gas was cheap to dry with.

We just put in a Bosch dishwasher at this house, it has a 3rd rack and gets dishes clean and is so quiet you don't even know it's running. I can't help but smile.

But the 2 rooms of cluttered storage we haven't unpacked yet make me :/

Having kids makes everything a billion timed harder.
Dusted then I swept and mopped the wood floors.
Vacuumed the house again.
Cleaned the bathrooms.
Washed all the bedding.
Washed down the kitchen.
Dusted everything again.

Decobwebbed the outside and swept up.

Now the house looks as though I hadn't done anything today at all.

No rest for the wicked :(
I thought about starting this thread after completing my least favourite household chore.

I hate defrosting and cleaning the refrigerator. I live in an apartment that has an ancient refrigerator. This thing has to be older than I am, since its freezer is not self-defrosting. My parents bought a fridge in the early 70s (in the favourite 70s colour harvest gold :eck:). Even that fridge had a self-defrosting freezer. I'm stuck with this ancient thing that pretty much requires getting rid of everything, unplugging it, and waiting for the ice to melt, then finally cleaning it. Any other household chore is quick and easy, compared to defrosting and cleaning this ancient refrigerator.

How about you? What's your least favourite household chore and why?

walking up and taking bath .....
Wash the utensils in the morning. I don't like to do this but need to do. Because if my MOM fall sick then I need to do.

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