What is your most wanted app?

What are your missing apps

Having recently joined the Windows Phone ecosystem I am fairly happy with the range of apps (and by fairly happy I probably mean just satisfied) but there are a few surprising apps that are missing.

I appreciate this is not because of Microsoft/Nokia etc but I am curious as to what MAJOR apps people think are missing from the WP platform. Perhaps WP users need to actively lobby to demonstrate demand. The big missing app for me is Candy Crush Saga which is obviously a huge hit with Facebook/Android and iOS users. I can't imagine there isn't enough demand on the WP platform for it to be worthwhile?

That said I am enjoying the break from Candy Crush as I did briefly get addicted. :-s

The other obvious omission is the BBC News and Sport apps.
Re: What are your missing apps

All I need is the official apps, especially Instagram, Path, Pinterest, etc
Not really an APP but I want to play .wav file email attachments. APP, functionality, Bug whatever the problem, I want to play them natively. Having to use Phoneconvert.com is ridiculous...
Amazon instant video is only on Kindle Fire and iPad. I also think the Amazon MP3 app would be great because that is the only company I buy music from.
There's an Amazon instant video app for the Wii, believe it or not.
BBM, and a Facebook Messenger app.

Other than that...I think I might have converted to WP permanently o.o

Edit: Oh and YouTube. I'm not holding my breath on that one, though. m.youtube.com will work for now.
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