What is your most wanted app?

Safeway just for you
Better fb app
Official chive
Nokia drive non beta
Better official twitter
1) MotionX GPS Drive. It's a near daily use app on my iphone
2) (real) Pandora. I haven't tried any of the alternatives, though.
3) SnapSeed
4) iBird Pro. Yes, I'm a bird geek. I like it more than the Sibley guide.
5) Sky Safari
6) MotionX GPS (the standard GPS nav app)
7) Filmic (especially with the camera on the 920, and even more if Nokia gives us the "EOS").
8) Theodolite. That one's a long shot, but it's a fun navigation aid app.
9) A location based reminder/todo app like "Reminders" in iOS. I've gotten pretty attached to that one!

1, 3, 4, and 5 have been the only things holding me back from jumping off the iPhone train and getting the Lumia 920, but I recently cracked my iPhone screen. I hate the constant reminder that I'm clumsy! Still going to try and hold out for the hypothetical "EOS" phone, though.
Subway Surfers
Better Facebook App
DirectTV App
Sky Go
Halifax and Lloyds TSB Banking apps
Ultraviolet capability so i can watch my digital media collection on the go
yes Instagram, and the ahem gay social apps =D

you mean Grindr. If you go to the website it has a box asking how you'd like to access it if you don't have ios, android or blackberry. It's really just a survey, but maybe if they get enough requests for wp8 they'll add it.
A decent calendar app. I will never understand such a basic calendar on a smart phone in 2013.
Anyone familiar with Gigwalk?
This is really the big one that I want. They have iphone and android but no wp8. Even though Microsoft is a customer, and they have work on projects for photosynth.
I don't know why people are hating on wanting Instagram. It really is an essential app, whether people like it or not, and it could very well be a big decider in bringing a huge market to WP8. That being said...

1. Instagram
2. Firefox (Nothing against the IE in WP8, I'd just rather use Firefox)
3. Tweetbot (Don't think it will ever happen, and Tweet It is a good alternative to the official Twitter app, but Tweetbot is the best Twitter client on iOS, would LOVE to have it on WP8)
4. Tumblr (either the official one or Tumblita)
5. Mint
6. Wells Fargo (I'm sure it's on the way, seeing as how all the other banks are on WP8)

And just a bunch of more games.
I'd have to say the two most important ones I want are:

Viber for long distance calling... So important.

And a much better Facebook app, like at least one that can attach photos in private messages! C'mon.. Not even the browser can do that
I'd have to say the two most important ones I want are:

Viber for long distance calling... So important.

And a much better Facebook app, like at least one that can attach photos in private messages! C'mon.. Not even the browser can do that

Then you don't have a Nokia?

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