What Microsoft should learn from BlackBerry

Any company that can't learn from others will make the same mistakes.

Substitute people, animals, markets, history...

That is true but unless Blackberry actually manage to achieve decent sales with BB10 how can we actually assess that they have something worth saying? The launch event and all the surrounding hype is not the time to assess that, it is in two quarters when we see if BB10 actually manages to make a splash in the market. What if it bombs? Are we going to say "wow that is the lesson to follow?" I doubt it.
To be blunt, I thought that the BB10 launch event was similar to the WP8 one in that both failed to sell the technical merits of their platforms - both featured stiff un-interesting grey men who could have be explaining their latest prostate exam for all the interest they could work up.

But grey men who need prostate exams aren't really the generation Microsoft is really targeting though

I believe this is who Microsoft is targeting. Because Microsoft knows in about another 10 years, it will be Generation Y who will be taking over the Office world and our generation, Generation Y will be the key to keeping Microsoft alive in the future. We grew up with Microsoft but then deviated later on when Apple and Google came into play. Once the older generation is gone, if Microsoft loses Generation Y as a customer, it's future will not looks so bright then
I think one main issue is that in order for windows phone 8 to gain more traction, windows 8 needs to first, and it is, but it had a bumpy launch...Sure it sold well, but people have a negative perception of it. (Even though its a fantastic OS). I understand people not liking it on a desktop or a laptop but on a touchscreen I feel that it is easily the most productive, fluid, and best layout of any touch-based OS. Its funny because as much complaints as you will hear with people with windows 8, I have yet to hear one when it comes to a touchscreen because it rocks on one...I have one...I should know.

So back to the point...Windows 8 needs to catch on and then Microsoft will get the magical mystical apple halo effect where people will be like "I use win8, and office, and I have an xbox, so why don't I buy a windows phone and have them all sync together...?" The smart thing about Microsoft is that even though they are growing slowly, they are trending upward, the same can't be said for RIM and probably soon to be iOS. It seems apple has peaked and they won't go any higher than they are now. Google is the main competitor Microsoft and Apple need to worry about most.
WP is in better shape than blackberry. I think blackberry will be catering more to businesses. They have to work hard to get apps, because app makers need to be persuaded rather well to make apps for BB at this point.
What should they learn? Seems to me that Blackberry is repeating Microsoft's mistakes: constant pushbacks, early app announcements that won't be available at launch, and a faulty azz keynote. So......
There are two things I would like Microsoft to take from BB10 OS:

1. Notification Hub - The BB hub looks good but I am sure MS could make a great alternative.
2. Quick settings for wireless comms.

What mapping software is being used in BB10? I've seen mention of TomTom and even Bing.
Good God. A dying company puts out two new phones and Microsoft is suddenly crap.

Talk about hysteria.
The one interesting thing i noticed, was that the BB Browser supports flash.

Considering its not available on iOS/WP, and its been dropped on Android, where did it come from? Or is it the old discontinued version that is still available only in the UK Android marketplace, to support BBC iPlayer?

It will be interesting to see the reaction to the Q10. Seems like a good business phone, but surely having to use the top half touch screen for most navigation is going to be a very wierd experience. Imagine using only the top half of an iOS/Android/WP device 90% of the time, doesn't sound fun to me.
There are two things I would like Microsoft to take from BB10 OS:

1. Notification Hub - The BB hub looks good but I am sure MS could make a great alternative.
2. Quick settings for wireless comms.

What mapping software is being used in BB10? I've seen mention of TomTom and even Bing.

People ought stop trolling about notification panel on windows phone cos the style and design is not based on notification but live tiles that notifies
That is true but unless Blackberry actually manage to achieve decent sales with BB10 how can we actually assess that they have something worth saying? The launch event and all the surrounding hype is not the time to assess that, it is in two quarters when we see if BB10 actually manages to make a splash in the market. What if it bombs? Are we going to say "wow that is the lesson to follow?" I doubt it.

How refreshing (and ironic) that someone on wp forums points to sales numbers as a real metric of success ! I completely agree, except the last part... wp is already in the phase of "wow, that is a lesson to follow", with the wp platform, right now:

Wp sales are poor, and there -IS- a lesson at hand. As to why, if microsoft, bb, android, or iphone are paying attention, that will be the key to unlocking more sales.
ny_yankees, that's a great ad from Microsoft. I really enjoyed that. Lol, it brought back a lot of memories! Thanks for the video!
Microsoft is more than WP8. RIM is not more than Blackberry.

That's true - Blackberry only does Blackberry. MS on the other hand has an OS, a gaming ecosystem, Office, online services (Outlook, Skydrive), Skype and I'm sure some more, in addition to WP8 and Surface.
After 2 1/2 years WP8 is still a entry level platform with no Apps. How hard can it be for a beloved OS like Blackberry to overtake WP in the smartphone market?

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