What the heck happened to USAA app?

I really hope WP8 starts to take off a bit more. Because this is just frustrating. Theyd never do this to Android or IOS. I guess Ill give it another 6 months or to the end of the year. If WP8 doesnt start to show more success and actually do well enough to make companies WANT to develop for the platform. If WP8 isnt in much better shape by Summer/Fall time frame, it most likely never will be very successful and some of us will have to make a painful decision.
I wonder if the "security issue" is the WP8 suspending tasks - I.e. because now when you close it, it doesn't really close - the app never logs out.

Therefore if you task switched back, you'd still be logged in 10 minutes later.

I.e. it's laziness in not tweaking the app which caused it to be removed, not a real security problem.

The problem with the app is that it stores a picture of the check in your camera roll. That is the security issue. I've directly sent them multiple messages, to which they reiterate the fact they will NOT be producing a WP8 app. I'm giving it till April.
The problem with the app is that it stores a picture of the check in your camera roll. That is the security issue. I've directly sent them multiple messages, to which they reiterate the fact they will NOT be producing a WP8 app. I'm giving it till April.

Is that because you can only take a photo of a check and have it in the camera roll? Can anyone who has the Chase app verify if it stores it's scanned images there?
What's the email address of USAA you used to contact them? If enough of us email then I'm sure they'll change their mind.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express
What's the email address of USAA you used to contact them? If enough of us email then I'm sure they'll change their mind.
Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express

I sign into my account and send them a direct message. They respond, they have to respond.
Is that because you can only take a photo of a check and have it in the camera roll? Can anyone who has the Chase app verify if it stores it's scanned images there?

George posted what Chase's problem was. It had to do with saving an image of the deposited check. Same reason USAA gave me for pulling the app.
I posted my rant:
I just found this thread on forums.wpcentral.com: http://forums.windowscentral.com/windows-phone-8/213464-what-heck-happened-usaa-app.html
Add me to the list of customers who currently uses the Windows Phone 7 app on a Windows Phone 8 device, who will be VERY upset with USAA if you do not bring this app back to the Windows Phone platform.
I am aware of the security issue with storing check images in the camera roll on the phone and in SkyDrive, but I am also aware that other banks, some of the largest, have fixed this problem. I also, being a Windows Phone developer with apps in the store, understand that making this change isn't all that difficult, and would be a drop in the bucket compared to the money that you make from your collective customers who want this app.
Please reconsider, and update the app for Windows Phone 8, as this is an app that I use often. Choosing not to do so may very well cost you this customer, and others as well.
I know I will sound like a Debbie Downer here but a few angry emails from a few WPCentral forum members won't be enough to sway USAA's decision. USAA most likely weighed affected users vs the costs of updating/maintaining the app and decided to bail. This is a market share problem rearing its ugly head again.
Ok. You go do nothing while the rest of us act. This is one of the reasons our country is falling apart.
I for one am not letting them off the hook. MS wants to court government agencies, which I assume would include the military, there needs to be some action on this.
I doubt there would be much cost to update, considering they seem to be maintaining their developer status with the WP7 version.
Just sent an extended and detailed, professional plea for a WP8 app. I added my voice to the hopper.
I know I will sound like a Debbie Downer here but a few angry emails from a few WPCentral forum members won't be enough to sway USAA's decision. USAA most likely weighed affected users vs the costs of updating/maintaining the app and decided to bail. This is a market share problem rearing its ugly head again.

Then spread it so 10 billion people complain to them! Of course they won't do anything if people aren't complaining.
FWIW - here's the reply I received:

We appreciate your feedback in regards to creating an application for the Windows 8 Phone. We continually look for ways to improve our products and services so they are of the highest quality for our members. Thank you for taking the time to send your suggestion. We have forwarded your comments to our mobile team to review. We apologize for not meeting your needs at this time.

We value your business and the opportunity to serve all your financial needs.

Thank you,
Michael Marquis
I for one am not letting them off the hook. MS wants to court government agencies, which I assume would include the military, there needs to be some action on this.
Even though USAA is a financial institution that serves mostly the military, they are not a government agency. Microsoft could approach USAA like they've been approaching other devs and MAYBE that will work.

Then spread it so 10 billion people complain to them! Of course they won't do anything if people aren't complaining.
LOL how big do you think the Windows Phone market share is? How many USAA members have a Windows Phone? I bet you USAA has (or had) those numbers and they are/were LOW.

I doubt there would be much cost to update, considering they seem to be maintaining their developer status with the WP7 version.
How do you know this? There are many aspects of measuring cost.

Here's the deal: I'm a USAA member (been a member for 15 years or so) and love being their customer, but at the end of the day USAA has to run a business. They won't be expending resources when there's little return on investment. Just look at the canned responses you've all been getting. They all say "Sorry, guys, but we don't want to bother with this right now" in a nice way.

Windows Phone needs to start SELLING. Microsoft needs to CONVINCE people that switching to WP is the way to go. I know they are advertising the heck out of it, so maybe we'll see some growth this year, I dunno.

Maybe start writing to Microsoft instead of USAA?

Good luck, guys.
Besides not being able to deposit a check, I can do everything via their very well laid out mobile site. *Shrugs* it works for now.
How many USAA members have a Windows Phone?
Enough for them to develop a WP7 app? I specifically remember, during a presentation for Mango, someone with USAA went on stage and demonstrated uploading a check through the USAA app.

(USAA was also the first to allow consumers to deposit checks at home from their scanner - so it was natural to me that they would be the first to do this on Windows Phone when Mango came around)

Then again, maybe this time around they don't have as much faith in WP and don't want to bother with spending even a cent looking at how easy it might be to fix. Disappointing.
Even though USAA is a financial institution that serves mostly the military, they are not a government agency. Microsoft could approach USAA like they've been approaching other devs and MAYBE that will work.

LOL how big do you think the Windows Phone market share is? How many USAA members have a Windows Phone? I bet you USAA has (or had) those numbers and they are/were LOW.

How do you know this? There are many aspects of measuring cost.

Here's the deal: I'm a USAA member (been a member for 15 years or so) and love being their customer, but at the end of the day USAA has to run a business. They won't be expending resources when there's little return on investment. Just look at the canned responses you've all been getting. They all say "Sorry, guys, but we don't want to bother with this right now" in a nice way.

Windows Phone needs to start SELLING. Microsoft needs to CONVINCE people that switching to WP is the way to go. I know they are advertising the heck out of it, so maybe we'll see some growth this year, I dunno.

Maybe start writing to Microsoft instead of USAA?

Good luck, guys.

Been a USAA member for 20 years. Never said the were a government agency. My statement was in reference to MS wanting to do business with govt agencies that USAA serves. Their devs get paid regardless. They should fix the f@#king app regardless of how many people use it. Not just dump it from the platform without notice. There is no "investment" in them making a mobile app, they are just providing an additional service to some and choosing not to for others. At the end of the day, I'll just dump my WP. No sweat off my back. Just tired of this app bull****.

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