What to buy when my 2nd Band 2 fails...

I checked in Vilnius/Lithuania :) Do not think this will help you. I guess we are on different continents at least :)

Ha! Yeah, although I'm sure it's a lovely place, I don't see myself traveling halfway around the world to find one! Although once I did, I could use the watch to find my way back. Was just curious what store you might have went to, but I'm sure whatever you have over there is entirely different than anything we might have here. Thanks for the reply!
Yeah the loss of features is potentially a blow for Android users who have Band as well, as Cortana is supported on there, no other wearable will show the Cortana UI on screen like the Band can

Sent from Microsoft Band
The vector watches look quite close to a "real" watch, well from renders that is - They might not be so good in person

Sent from Microsoft Band
The vector watches look quite close to a "real" watch, well from renders that is - They might not be so good in person

Sent from Microsoft Band

I have an aversion to buying something that I can't see and touch first, which is why I asked where Marchius found the Garmin. I'd love to at least play around with Vector's app at a minimum and check out the different functions and their depth, but you can't even do that unless you have a Vector watch to connect to it. I have a pretty good idea of what I would be getting with a Garmin or a Fitbit, but Vector is just an unknown to me.
I went Pebble. (Pebble Time 2 along with a Pebble Core when it is released). I love the interface and not having a touch screen isn't much of a bother.

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