What was your first question for Cortana?

One day my wife and I were having dinner. I think she was wondering if this other couple in the restaurant were on their first date, because she asked me, "how many dates do you think before people know you're on your first date? Five years?" I'm going to ask Cortana that, because I have no clue what the answer is.
What's the reason? If I want the USA English version in Europe why wouldn't that version be available at the same time?
The first question I am going to ask Cortana is.

"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
After seeing the Arsenio siri vs. cortana video, I think mine will be "Are you afraid to cut a bi**h?"
My question would be: "I thought you were gonna be my assistant since April 2? Why'd you arrive so late? You're fired. Loljk."
What is the meaning of life ?

(seriously I have no idea on what I will ask first)
I can answer that for you right now, obviously it's:

I might actually never speak to my phone by addressing it as Cortana, just press the search button. I think ever since siri came out, talking to a phone, especially in public, is really awkward - so I'd ask: "how can I mute you?"
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