What was your first question for Cortana?

d: "Are you smart"?
C: "Well, I'm good with facts. Like, I can tell you who the coolest person in the world is".

d: "Who is the coolest person in the world"?
C: "You"!

(Should've seen that one coming!)
"What movie did Henry Fonda and Jack Lemmon star in? " And Cortana came up with the answer: Mr. Roberts.
In need of a special battery for a dead garage door opener and while driving; I asked Cortana where is the closest Radio Shack to my present location. She came back with one 0.5 miles from me in less than 2 seconds. Worked great and fast response.

To be honest, I had not taken the time to use Cortana before but will certainly do so now.
My first question was to ask her something useful. Boring but useful.

How large is a cup in millilitres?

She told me 236.588 ml :-)
I asked her how much water I should drink in a day. I got nothing helpful.

Apparently it depends on your body.
My first question was a regular one. But the catchy part was after the initial testing when i said "Goodbye for now, Cortana" , She said "Playing Unknown music" and started playing a sad song from my playlist. LOL!
Still don't know if this was a glitch or real!

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