Their laziness and inattention should not keep the rest of us here in the US enslaved ti the carrier's model.
Not everyone has the same amount of time (or interest) in the latest tech.
How much time do you spend on selecting your mattress, your sheets, or your cookware? If those aren't your priorities do you spend a lot of time looking across all the available choices, making sure you select the best of each from around the world? If not do you still want a quality product at a reasonable price?
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the unlocked carrier model. My point is that it (like the preview for developers program) are aimed at the tech enthusiasts. Carriers are offering devices to people whose opinons on technology range from absolute hatred to completely unreasonable lust.
Am I "siding" with the carriers. I don't think so. But am I siding completely with our tech obsessed community and all of it's sometimes unreasonable desires. No.