What WP7 needs to gain market share


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It needs a Flagship Device, a Droid if you will. Android was barely heard of, 1 year old and had a grand total of 5 phones in the U.S. (the G1, Cliq, My Touch 3g, Hero, and Samsung Moment) had a 2k or 3k apps in the market and was only on the two smallest carriers in october of 2009. Then the motorola droid launched with a huge marketing push and people didn't want an Android phone any more they wanted a "Droid" phone. 15 months later Android is the #1 Smart phone OS in the world by market share, it has 150k apps in its market, and has unbelievable momentum. This is thanks in large part to the public awareness created by the Droid by Motorola. I am willing to bet that at least 80% of American smart phone consumers could not tell you the name of a single Windows Phone 7 device. I bet that same 80% could name 3 current android devices.

Microsoft needs to partner with a carrier and a hardware OEM to create a reference class (high end processor, big gorgeous screen, 4G data connection, Front Camera) WP7 and have a 3 way marketing blitz. Microsoft will run commercials showcasing its OS on the phone, the Carrier will showcase apps and features on its network using 4G speed (Netflix would be a good one). The OEM will run commercials that focus on the design and power of the hardware its self and how that enables the OS to look and run great. Finally it needs a catch but simple name. Something like Jet7, Sonic7, Laser7. One word no more than two syllables (a la Droid and iPhone) that sounds exciting, fast, and powerful. Mozart? Dell Venue Pro? HTC HD7? HTC 7 Pro? are you kidding me? All of those put the manufacturer first (it should be something like Sonic7 by HTC, not HTC Sonic7) and are either boring (seriously, there are "HD" sunglasses these days and who wants a phone named after a classical composer?) or overly complicated and not catchy (Venue Pro).

If Microsoft could get a carrier and OEM on board for this it could be the push WP7 needs to get in the spotlight. The other Windows Phone 7 devices could piggy back off this ad campaign with little to no additional advertising. AT&T would be a good choice for the carrier for three main reasons:
1. They need something to be there new flagship now that iPhone exclusivity is up
2. They are already advertising for windows phone 7 fairly heavily, this would just help improve and focus the ads
3. They need something to show off their 4G network. Yes they have the Atrix 4G but the long and the short of it is that nobody likes the Motoblur overlay that it runs on top of android and windows phone 7 could offer an attractive alternative flagship since Verizon is heavy with Android and also has the iPhone but doesn't have any windows phone 7 devices (and I really don't see them offering very many even once CDMA ones are available).

I think either HTC or Dell could be a good choice for the OEM because the Mozart and the Venue Pro are two of the best looking cell phones available anywhere at the moment (not just WP7 but out of ALL phones). Take the general look/feel of the Mozart crank the screen up to 4" Super-LCD, add that 1.4 GHz snapdragon that the Pre 3 is rocking, and add HSPA+, call it the Sonic7 and and advertise the heck out of it in the three front system described above. That would put WP7 on the map of every consumer.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I think the phones they have out now are on par with everything else that's on the market. The pre 3 won't be out until later. I'm sure they have more hardware coming.

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Jan 3, 2011
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No The phones they have are not on par with everything else in the market. I a agree they do need a Flagship device like the Droid for Android. Maybe the speculated partnership with Nokia will help this but in order to compete with the Android "SuperPhone" They will need FFC and LTE/HASPA+. Every flagship device has at least FFC's these days. Iphone has FFC, Thunderbolt/Bionic FFC, Hell even WebOS has FFC now with the Pre3. So Microsoft better show of some new updated hardware soon or else They will be in an even tougher spot behind iOS, Android, and even WebOS maybe now.
And they really need to get on the VZW and Sprint bandwagon thats a lot of customers they are missing out of by not supporting them yet. I'm ready to ditch my Pre Plus for WP7 since we wont be getting WebOS 2.0 now, but without updated hardware ill have to go with the Pre3 :/

PS: My demands here are not outrageous ones im not asking for something better then whats arealdy out there just something really truly competitive. Something worth a contract something that just says WOW.
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Feb 2, 2011
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The launch was fairly lackluster in impact. I agree fully.

But the manufacturers they rely on so heavily probably see Windows Phone 7 as the also-ran right now.

They have no need to try and prioritize them.

Also, Microsoft dinking around in the tablet front is not helping the brand name awareness. It's a whole other issue...but it's gonna mean something.


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WTH are you talking about. FFC? Do you mean NFC, which is NOT in the current iPhone. The Palm Pre 3 isn't even out. The iphone doesn't have LTE or HSPA+. They really need mods around here to kick some people off these boards.
No The phones they have are not on par with everything else in the market. I a agree they do need a Flagship device like the Droid for Android. Maybe the speculated partnership with Nokia will help this but in order to compete with the Android "SuperPhone" They will need FFC and LTE/HASPA+. Every flagship device has at least FFC's these days. Iphone has FFC, Thunderbolt/Bionic FFC, Hell even WebOS has FFC now with the Pre3. So Microsoft better show of some new updated hardware soon or else They will be in an even tougher spot behind iOS, Android, and even WebOS maybe now.
And they really need to get on the VZW and Sprint bandwagon thats a lot of customers they are missing out of by not supporting them yet. I'm ready to ditch my Pre Plus for WP7 since we wont be getting WebOS 2.0 now, but without updated hardware ill have to go with the Pre3 :/

PS: My demands here are outrageous ones im not asking for something better then whats arealdy out there just something really truly competitive. Something worth a contract something that just says WOW.


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Umm... FFC = Front Facing Camera also read more closely I said LTE/HASPA+ to compete with Android. I never said the iPhone has HASPA+. You have no reason to attack me everything I said was valid and reasonable.
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Pete C

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Jan 24, 2011
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Partner with one of the manufactures to create the XPHONE or XBOX Phone. They have an XBOX why not an XPHONE? Give it slide out controls like the upcoming Sony Ericsson Xperia Play so we can play some real games rather than this touchscreen BS that true gamers hate. Launch it with Halo featuring online multiplayer and watch the phone fly off shelves.

I really can't believe that with all the Xbox Live talk with WP7 that we did not get a phone with at least some physical controls. Here comes Sony beating them to the punch.


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Like I said. The phones they have out now are on par with pretty much everything that's out today. Carriers dont have their 4G* network complete. front facing camera are a gimmick that's been around for years.
Umm... FFC = Front Facing Camera also read more closely I said LTE/HASPA+ to compete with Android. I never said the iPhone has HASPA+. You have no reason to attack me everything I said was valid and reasonable.

Spec wise, most phones today are just catching up the the HTC HD2

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Pete C

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Jan 24, 2011
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I am pretty sure we will never see front facing camera for WP7. I read somewhere that it is not in the hardware spec. It is slated for WP8, but I could be wrong.

As for a 4G wp7 phone there was a rumor last month that we would see this at MWC.


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Like I said. The phones they have out now are on par with pretty much everything that's out today. Carriers dont have their 4G* network complete. front facing camera are a gimmick that's been around for years.

Spec wise, most phones today are just catching up the the HTC HD2

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

We are just looking at this two different ways and on different levels you may not want want a LTE or a FFC but that stuff just attracts customers.

This thread is about what WP7 need to gain market share being on par with most phone out there isn't going to gain market share they need something great. The devices released so far have been good but none them have that WOW" factor like the Evo, Thunderbolt, iPhone, etc. Even with an amazing OS WP7 you still have to look at what attracts customers. People want top of the line and you need to have outstanding hardware in order "WOW". So yes whats out may be on par but I think to WP7 need that flagship that will go above what is on par.

Your view may be different them mine but this is just what I think WP7 needs.


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Feb 10, 2011
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Microsoft, carriers, and phone manufacturers need to advertise and market WP7 more.

I see more commericials and advertisements for Android and iPhone than WP7. For example, the only TV advertising I've seen for WP7 is from Microsoft, not the carrier or manufacturer. It could possibly be that Android is the current cash cow for the carriers and manufacturers so most of the marketing money is spent on Android.

Microsoft really needs to pick up that slack and do what the carrier and manufacturer aren't doing.


Pete C

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Jan 24, 2011
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Microsoft, carriers, and phone manufacturers need to advertise and market WP7 more.

I see more commericials and advertisements for Android and iPhone than WP7. For example, the only TV advertising I've seen for WP7 is from Microsoft, not the carrier or manufacturer. It could possibly be that Android is the current cash cow for the carriers and manufacturers so most of the marketing money is spent on Android.

Microsoft really needs to pick up that slack and do what the carrier and manufacturer aren't doing.


I can honestly say that I have seen no shortage of advertising for WP7. I see commercials every day for it, and the same applies to print and online ads. Every day the Orlando Sentinel has an AT&T ad wrapped around the front page, and the backside of the ad shows a dedicated page for Windows Phone showing all 3 devices.


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now call me ignorant or whatever, but I don't really understand the need for a "Uber l33T mega phone with dual core ninjas" I figure as long as the OS works smoothly (which it does right now as far as I'm concerned) and does as advertised it's not that big of a deal to me. At the end of the day I'm not putting my phone in the octagon against another phone, I'm either sending an E-mail, A text, a Picture,play a short game of impossible Shoota or get this... phoning someone. ( I'm sure some of you do other odd things.. not my point though)

However I do agree that WP7 does need a phone that you can associate the name with the brand.. or whatever. but does it need to be a mech of a phone? No it doesn't. It just needs to be able to run the OS and run it well.


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Dec 16, 2010
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all i know is that Wp7 DOES HAVE HSPA+ in canada !!!

second: the android flag ship phone , DRIOD , took 1 year to come out after the original Android phone ( so no rush for MS )

and the harware stats of Wp7 are up to par of not better then must phone on the market right now . so i dunno what all the fust is about.

And android SUCKS GIANT OS balls , LOL!! unless you plan on buying 4 Phone to have all 4 of there OS . LOL

ALSO!! im glag MS dint come out with a excluse Phone like Apple did . im glad Samsung , HTC , LG , and who ever else is comming has the chance to come out with there own unique phone, not like the 100000000 people busting out EXACLY the same ugly iphone lol. this give the potential for SOO MUCH MORE!!

oh ya , AND!! reguarding the market place and the apps .

first of all Iphone has over 300k apps right now , but only 5%(give or take ) are used or Downloaded. so ok App store has 250k usless apps, is that what u mean by a good market??

Android has 3 market place deppending on witch Droid phone you have ( cause some android phones canot get updates pass a Vershion ( witch is dumb)

wp7 FTW!!!
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Feb 2, 2011
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all i know is that Wp7 DOES HAVE HSPA+ in canada !!!

second: the android flag ship phone , DRIOD , took 1 year to come out after the original Android phone ( so no rush for MS )

and the harware stats of Wp7 are up to par of not better then must phone on the market right now . so i dunno what all the fust is about.

And android SUCKS GIANT OS balls , LOL!! unless you plan on buying 4 Phone to have all 4 of there OS . LOL

ALSO!! im glag MS dint come out with a excluse Phone like Apple did . im glad Samsung , HTC , LG , and who ever else is comming has the chance to come out with there own unique phone, not like the 100000000 people busting out EXACLY the same ugly iphone lol. this give the potential for SOO MUCH MORE!!

oh ya , AND!! reguarding the market place and the apps .

first of all Iphone has over 300k apps right now , but only 5%(give or take ) are used or Downloaded. so ok App store has 250k usless apps, is that what u mean by a good market??

Android has 3 market place deppending on witch Droid phone you have ( cause some android phones canot get updates pass a Vershion ( witch is dumb)

wp7 FTW!!!

For one, Android is awesome. It has tons of functionality, a super fast browser, full multi-tasking, and Android phones are getting all of the hardware spotlight because they are pushing the best specs.

And yes, RUSH, because the iPhone is spreading, and Android is catching on like herpes. When the Droid came out, there was ONLY the iPhone as competition, now, WP7 has to worry about those gazillions of Android customers now never giving WP7 a chance.


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Feb 9, 2011
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now call me ignorant or whatever, but I don't really understand the need for a "Uber l33T mega phone with dual core ninjas" I figure as long as the OS works smoothly (which it does right now as far as I'm concerned) and does as advertised it's not that big of a deal to me. At the end of the day I'm not putting my phone in the octagon against another phone, I'm either sending an E-mail, A text, a Picture,play a short game of impossible Shoota or get this... phoning someone. ( I'm sure some of you do other odd things.. not my point though)

However I do agree that WP7 does need a phone that you can associate the name with the brand.. or whatever. but does it need to be a mech of a phone? No it doesn't. It just needs to be able to run the OS and run it well.

I agree that all the windows phone 7 devices currently available are fine, capable devices. I personally probably wouldn't buy the flagship phone. But a phone with ultra-high end specs will attract news media attention and get more advertising $$. I mean look at AT&T WP7 commercials vs. Atrix 4g commercials. The atrix ones took way more though, planning, and money. And are consequently much more effective. With a flagship device WP7 could get the public exposure it desperately needs, attracting more people to ALL wp7 devices. With this increased market share you get more developers and more devices, which gives the consumer more choice and makes the WP7 experience better. Plus if MS is making more money off the OS they will have more money to pump into it.


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Feb 9, 2011
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all i know is that Wp7 DOES HAVE HSPA+ in canada !!!

second: the android flag ship phone , DRIOD , took 1 year to come out after the original Android phone ( so no rush for MS )

and the harware stats of Wp7 are up to par of not better then must phone on the market right now . so i dunno what all the fust is about.

And android SUCKS GIANT OS balls , LOL!! unless you plan on buying 4 Phone to have all 4 of there OS . LOL

ALSO!! im glag MS dint come out with a excluse Phone like Apple did . im glad Samsung , HTC , LG , and who ever else is comming has the chance to come out with there own unique phone, not like the 100000000 people busting out EXACLY the same ugly iphone lol. this give the potential for SOO MUCH MORE!!

oh ya , AND!! reguarding the market place and the apps .

first of all Iphone has over 300k apps right now , but only 5%(give or take ) are used or Downloaded. so ok App store has 250k usless apps, is that what u mean by a good market??

Android has 3 market place deppending on witch Droid phone you have ( cause some android phones canot get updates pass a Vershion ( witch is dumb)

wp7 FTW!!!

Okay, first of all I do agree with the number of apps not being important. I only use like 10 apps regularly on android and most of them are already on WP7. However there are things that android does that wp7 doesn't. They are geared toward different crowds. And as pointed out, there was far less competition in the smart phone market when the droid was launched than there is now, so yes MS needs to hurry and launch a flagship device that is above and beyond the average.

Finally I agree with other posts that FFC (front facing Cameras) are gimicky (i never use mine and I actually know a number of people who have them too) BUT it attracts people. It give a wow factor. And HSPA+ or LTE (or WiMax i suppose) is a must in a flagship


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Just Be Consistently Good

now call me ignorant or whatever, but I don't really understand the need for a "Uber l33T mega phone with dual core ninjas" I figure as long as the OS works smoothly (which it does right now as far as I'm concerned) and does as advertised it's not that big of a deal to me. At the end of the day I'm not putting my phone in the octagon against another phone, I'm either sending an E-mail, A text, a Picture,play a short game of impossible Shoota or get this... phoning someone. ( I'm sure some of you do other odd things.. not my point though)

However I do agree that WP7 does need a phone that you can associate the name with the brand.. or whatever. but does it need to be a mech of a phone? No it doesn't. It just needs to be able to run the OS and run it well.


I would be flippin' thrilled to tell all my friends that don't know (or care) about what makes a good smartphone, that I had "The Best One". Until next month when one of their wives buys them the new best thing that just beat my now outdated old device.

Most people (obviously most of us on this forum are not included) will always will feel that their new phone is better than their old (usually by two years) phone. The reason? Because it is. Period. They sure as s*** better come up with improvements in two years!

My point is this: There is no way to always be the best. Just be consistently good. Specs don't mean much for people outside these kind of forums. Don't get me wrong, consumers are informed, and will sometimes shop specs, but it is probably just for fun, or to justify spending more money, or some other reason which will still not easily change one's mind if it set on something.

MS just needs to improve upon their good idea. Make it common. Not nessesarily extraordinary. Prove to the public that it will make their lives better.

Another thing. Look at the price. Sure you can drop hundreds of dollars on high-end devices, but to what end. Look at the Atrix. I agree that it is a groundbreaking device, but only in concept. I don't know who would rather use that instead of a dedicated PC. There will be disagreements with me on this one, but aside from the novelty of it (think FFC), how practical is it right now, and who will actuall use it on a daily basis? Windows Phones are less expensive, with the same or better user experience for the average consumer. It is about what you ACTUALLY DO with your "phone" (if we should even be calling them that anymore), not what someone says that you CAN DO with it.

Oh, and market the hell out of it.

Here's something. Just thought of it now. "A phone to save us from our phones."


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Android is the #1 Smart phone OS in the world by market sharef

Great post, JR, and I agree with most of what you said.. but you know this line is far, far from the truth, right? Like, not even close to catching RIM or Symbian (or maybe even Apple) worldwide? It's in the running for #1 in the US, but still pretty far down the totempole in the worldwide view.

This may have already been covered, but once SELFCREATION replied I just couldn't bring myself to go any further in the thread.

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