What's in store for Windows Store?

We are using Microsoft Store for Business and publishing LOBs built with UWP. These are built for PCs (from low cost Lenovo 300e to 84" Surface hub). UWP adaptive triggers with XAML rocks.
UWP is a VERY powerful concept and those who keep looking it from a Mobile lens are missing the big picture entirely.

UWP is powerful, fast and portable. Those who complain about it have not spent time learning it or keeping up with the tons of features getting released constantly. Our clients love what we are doing for them.
Most corporations are still using Windows 7 or even xp now. Even new purchase has Windows 10 gutted out and reinstalled with 7. So how can uwp succeed?
The problems with Windows Store start with the app itself. It's a mess. Half the time it won't even fully download a product page. Customers won't buy anything they can't even see. Utterly ridiculous. And I'm a big booster of the Windows ecosystem and most of the software on my laptop is from the Store.

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