What's on your today screen?

Jul 17, 2008

OK, folks. We showed you ours. Now you show us yours. Have a tricked-out Today screen? Running an uber-custom ROM? Show us. We want pictures. One rule: Keep it PG-13, m'kay? We'll be watching.
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I'm using WisBar Advance Desktop 2.4 beta 6. It's customized slightly to look a little bit like Touch Sense, but it's more responsive on my Touch HD (and has a rotating wallpaper on all of the pages).
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I do use the WinMo 6.5 interface. My ROMs are built super clean from Calkulin's kitchen then built back up with my personal cabs. The simplicity of m.carroll's PureBlack theme doesn't distract. I'm currently running build 21869.
Using MightyROM with 6.5, Manila 2.1 and loving it. VERY stable, and a pleasure to have 6.5 running on my Sprint Touch Pro2 several months before they'll even bother to release it! :)


Matt Coddington
Windows Mobile Louisville
EnergyROM Windows Mobile 6.5.1 23504 Senses 2.5 Leo. Best ROM I have came across yet. I hate all the blue incorporated into the ROM when the tmobile TP2 has this brownish color but it gets the job done!
Here is my 6.5 HTC Touch Diamond with SPB Mobile Shell


I change the whole UI like monthly, never pleased. And that's kinda the reason i love windows mobile as it allows me to. I felt really bored with symbian for that particular reason.
This is yesterday's


I am changing ROM's so I will get back to ya when I am done
I already commented on the news section rather than here but i would like to post up a graphic of my device. I am using Home2 with SeVen Theme. The only thing i could say that is a knock off is the Flip Clock that is used in the HTC devices. I just really like seeing a nice sized clock telling me the time.

As you can notice hiding behind the springboard is the Windows icon that is created form the sunlight hitting through the clouds onto the surface of the grass. I like how the background is reminiscent of the Windows XP default wallpaper b/c of the whole idea of a grassy field. Everything i think points to Windows and since my device is not a HTC device, i tried not to use a UI that would be a clone to look like it. Its just merely a personal choice, although i really like the interface of Android and the HTC manilia/Sense UI's.
Stock VZW ROM (6.1)
Customized Manila 2.1

And just because....
Here is the matching Home Screen on my Ozone:
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As you can notice hiding behind the springboard is the Windows icon that is created form the sunlight hitting through the clouds onto the surface of the grass. I like how the background is reminiscent of the Windows XP default wallpaper b/c of the whole idea of a grassy field.

I see we have the same taste in wallpaper.
Nice choice!
Verizon 6900 6.1

Does this have to be 6.5? Oh well, here's what I'm working with.

I don't know how to insert it. Pretty boring but if you look close I've put some work into this with the help of HTC Home Customizer and a few others.
During the day at work I use this:


The rest of the time I use this:


I am running Jucy_R3.7z
My Today: Chrome 21882 Manila TF3D 2.1 Dusk theme

Basic but functional, disabled htc messaging
I've been meaning to contribute to this thread. I have Pointui & AT&T's standard Touchflo 3D 2.1, but I mostly use Titanium & my favorite, Androkidd. The last is donationware & as you may have figured from the name, gives a very customizable Android-like UI.
Here it is my latest screen shot. ROM was cooked up by my favorite WMExperts ROM chef


If you don't know what I am talking about you should listen to a Pod Cast some time
Kind of new here and thought I would post up what I have done to my Fuze. I'm currently running Energy 'Leo' 23529 with Sense 2.5.2012 and full landscape support. I also have Max Manila 3.0 loaded along with some of my own icons and mods.


Max Manila mod makes it's two rows instead of just one in landscape. I need to change that back to one row to make it look clean still.


I've also played with Android on my phone

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