What's the state of Windows 10 Mobile? Is it worth it right now?

On a side note... Owned several Androids 2012 and earlier and now in the present, have never experience the anomalies to the extent you so stated using the Nexus 5x. Were you being overzealous with your annalist of its performance, was it maybe a faulty handset, were you just frustrated with the "new" platform and not giving it an honest go? Just sayin cuz I see all too often many bashing Android/iOS in what I perceive to be "just don't like it" attitudes. Fine not to not like something but another to go over the top because of a dislike then unjustly bash. When I was a full-on WP addict and now Android you know what my first recommendations as to a device for those asking is, iPhone, that's cuz it has its merits fitting most people I know needs, we look past our choice/preference and base it on their best interests. On the other hand, WP history does not lend itself well for a recommendation, has its merits too but living dangerously close to the edge negates many of the "good", similar reasons as to why I am no longer a BB advocate.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


First, thanks for the reply.

Regarding the not trying to like it, I'm not a ******, which means I'm not an individual who defends a platform unconditionally. If I think platform x is better, I'll switch.

I've had all three platforms (WP, iOS and now Android), and after testing all the three I can safely say that Windows Phone (not Windows 10 mobile), was by far the best for my needs.
I used Lumia 920 for years without major issues. Sure it became a little slow at the end, but one thing I noticed about it was the fact that everything that matter was always fast. For example, opening Internet Explorer was always fast (I used it a lot), opening the Phone app was always fast, opening Outlook was always fast, opening camera was also relatively fast (well, I thought it was slow until I got the Nexus 5x) and so on.

But as my Lumia 920 was already 3 years old, I decided to give Android a try (the only platform I never really tried), and let me tell you, I was utterly disappointed.
All the flaws that I thought my Lumia 920 had were nothing compared to what I experienced with that POS mobile Phone. It became slow really fast (I'm someone who buys and installs a lot of apps). One problem that I always had with my Nexus 5X was with the amount of time it took to open the camera app. It took so long, and sometimes it didn't even open I missed a lot of shots. It was very unstable as well, it just froze multiple times, and the reboot took up to 15 minutes (yes, 15 minutes).
Then there were the monthly security updates, which would force a reboot and recheck of all apps... It took more than 40 minutes to complete every time.

Before I sold my device, opening the Opera browser took 6 seconds, the phone was so slow that was even way slower than a Nexus 5 of a colleague of mine, I was so fed up with that bull**** that I just sold it.
Of course that I recognize that platform has advantages, especially regarding apps, but almost all my apps were available in WP anyway.

Now, I opened this thread because as WP is "deprecated" (Windows 10 Mobile replaced it), I wanted to know if it (Windows 10 Mobile) is just as good (stable, fast) as WP is/was, as I've watched some reviews were the Lumia 950xl just crashed all over the place. If this is the state of the platform, no way Jose.

as I've watched some reviews were the Lumia 950xl just crashed all over the place. If this is the state of the platform, no way Jose.


latest redstone builds are VERY improved compared to what you saw, I dare say w10m is now more than usable for most users, like android, but not even close to how good wp8 ran, and it will probably never be, recent history says thats no longer a priority

so get a 640 and give it a try
latest redstone builds are VERY improved compared to what you saw, I dare say w10m is now more than usable for most users, like android, but not even close to how good wp8 ran, and it will probably never be, recent history says thats no longer a priority

so get a 640 and give it a try

True, i have a 640XL and loving it.

First, thanks for the reply.

Regarding the not trying to like it, I'm not a ******, which means I'm not an individual who defends a platform unconditionally. If I think platform x is better, I'll switch.

I've had all three platforms (WP, iOS and now Android), and after testing all the three I can safely say that Windows Phone (not Windows 10 mobile), was by far the best for my needs.
I used Lumia 920 for years without major issues. Sure it became a little slow at the end, but one thing I noticed about it was the fact that everything that matter was always fast. For example, opening Internet Explorer was always fast (I used it a lot), opening the Phone app was always fast, opening Outlook was always fast, opening camera was also relatively fast (well, I thought it was slow until I got the Nexus 5x) and so on.

But as my Lumia 920 was already 3 years old, I decided to give Android a try (the only platform I never really tried), and let me tell you, I was utterly disappointed.
All the flaws that I thought my Lumia 920 had were nothing compared to what I experienced with that POS mobile Phone. It became slow really fast (I'm someone who buys and installs a lot of apps). One problem that I always had with my Nexus 5X was with the amount of time it took to open the camera app. It took so long, and sometimes it didn't even open I missed a lot of shots. It was very unstable as well, it just froze multiple times, and the reboot took up to 15 minutes (yes, 15 minutes).
Then there were the monthly security updates, which would force a reboot and recheck of all apps... It took more than 40 minutes to complete every time.

Before I sold my device, opening the Opera browser took 6 seconds, the phone was so slow that was even way slower than a Nexus 5 of a colleague of mine, I was so fed up with that bull**** that I just sold it.
Of course that I recognize that platform has advantages, especially regarding apps, but almost all my apps were available in WP anyway.

Now, I opened this thread because as WP is "deprecated" (Windows 10 Mobile replaced it), I wanted to know if it (Windows 10 Mobile) is just as good (stable, fast) as WP is/was, as I've watched some reviews were the Lumia 950xl just crashed all over the place. If this is the state of the platform, no way Jose.


Really sounds like your Nexus 5x was a lemon, as Rich215 said they have problems which I can?t say one way or the other? Prior to selling my Galaxy S Fascinate (2010) and Galaxy S 2x (2011) this year we toyed with them once again, can honestly say the experience was in no way, shape or form near as bad compared to how you described your Nexus.

Owned the Ativ S/L1020 and still have L830, all ran really well w/W8.1 yet can?t truly say they were superior over other platforms, did what we needed them to do at the time which was the main goal? The Ativ S was, up until sold, my best WP out of the three in that it was the most well rounded in performance and daily usability.

W10M sank the ship for me and even though it has improved immensely compared to its inception, it is nowhere near the point it should be nor a viable candidate as a daily driver for this fella. Besides the usual gripes of performance and stability issues there are fewer apps available made for 10, so in essence we?re still getting a taste of W8.1 which mean they lack substance compared to Android/iOS. Then throw in WPs track record/history, that in itself was enough to solidify my decision to move on since I?ve "been there done that" w/BB and from my perspective, different paths but similar results.

As to your question, in my opinion ?No?, W10M is not as good because of its instabilities/inconsistencies unless I?ve missed something as of late, still has a ways to go... Maybe I keep getting the ?not for prime time? version LOL. Hardware availability, from my standpoint that has always been one of its nemesis with things being even worse today, where I live (Canada) finding one anywhere now is like looking for a needle in a haystack or worse, since 2012 I?ve only ever seen four out in the wild, the three I owned and my sons, heard there was another floating around but can?t confirm.

Oh, you mention the sluggishness of your Nexus device overall, that is how I view my phone(s) running W10M, not nearly to that extreme but far worse than any Android/iOS device we?ve tried, except? Nexus 7 tablet (2012), didn?t take kindly to Lollipop so had to revert back to 4.4.4 kitkat, all better now.

Anyhow, best of luck with whatever you choose and hope it fulfills your needs for some time to come.
In your honest opinion, is it worth it? If it's not, I'm going into the Iphone route (although I don't like Apple that much).

Now, I opened this thread because as WP is "deprecated" (Windows 10 Mobile replaced it), I wanted to know if it (Windows 10 Mobile) is just as good (stable, fast) as WP is/was, as I've watched some reviews were the Lumia 950xl just crashed all over the place. If this is the state of the platform, no way Jose.

It sounds to me like you are a prime iPhone candidate. I would normally also suggest a Nexus device, but given your experience with the 5X that is probably not very negotiable at this point! :orly:

The iPhone is a great combination of capability and "just works". Of course, there will be negative experiences; there always are. However, there is a reason the iPhone continues to sell like gangbusters year after year after year, and rake in record profits. No, it is not only due to "brainwashed followers" (I do not like that term. I'm using it because it is used here and WC participants are familiar with it. I do not believe it is true. Or, if it is true for iPhone fans, it is also true for WP/W10M fans, Android fans, and fans of anything else.). No, it is not only due to status and prestige. No, it is not only due to clever marketing. All of these things will quickly become irrelevant if the product does not perform. The iPhone performs.
Lumia 950XL had many problems at launch time, if you watch and read reviews you will know that. But MS has tried to improve the user experience and now I think 950 is better choice if you go with windows.
I purchased a Priv last week and returned it today. For those who have never used Window Phone devices all I can say is you don't know what you are missing. I know there are limitation but I prefer function, speed and not another screen full of icons over apps. There are maybe, and I mean maybe three apps that I would like to see on WP that are on Android. I'll use the websites until I can get an app or maybe a bot.
I have used my Galaxy S5 for a week and its running Android 6, I really hate the way it works in the car that has UCONNECT and the other SUV has a GoGroove bluetooth adapter. My Windows 640 is so much easier to use in either vehicle. I just talk to it and it plays my music and dials the person I want or lets me easily voice dictate a text message. I pull my hair out trying to do these things with my Galaxy S5. The phone will dial the wrong person constantly and it is touch and go getting it to play music by voice command.
Right now I would say its not worth it as 10 is very buggy and a other OS like ios don't have issues.
I have not had any buggy issues with Windows 10 Mobile. It is rock solid on my 640. It has no hesitation like my Galaxy S5 or battery issues like my Galaxy S5 which drains like crazy for some reason.
I sometimes get: random restarts, sounds not working, screen freezes, screen unresponsive, screen won't come on unless charger is plugged in, phone won't turn on, phone shuts off when battery isn't low, phone displays wrong battery percentage, and now my microphone doesn't work which results in people saying i sound far away. This list is not exhaustive and I think the last one is hardware. Other issues include apps crashing on launch, and on the latest built, not notifying me that I have messages.
I sometimes get: random restarts, sounds not working, screen freezes, screen unresponsive, screen won't come on unless charger is plugged in, phone won't turn on, phone shuts off when battery isn't low, phone displays wrong battery percentage, and now my microphone doesn't work which results in people saying i sound far away. This list is not exhaustive and I think the last one is hardware. Other issues include apps crashing on launch, and on the latest built, not notifying me that I have messages.

Hard reset time , I guess...
Originally posted by Maurizio Troso
Originally Posted by MrWhiteman
I sometimes get: random restarts, sounds not working, screen freezes, screen unresponsive, screen won't come on unless charger is plugged in, phone won't turn on, phone shuts off when battery isn't low, phone displays wrong battery percentage, and now my microphone doesn't work which results in people saying i sound far away. This list is not exhaustive and I think the last one is hardware. Other issues include apps crashing on launch, and on the latest built, not notifying me that I have messages.

Hard reset time , I guess...

Good advice because I don't have any of those problems on my 950.
I sometimes get: random restarts, sounds not working, screen freezes, screen unresponsive, screen won't come on unless charger is plugged in, phone won't turn on, phone shuts off when battery isn't low, phone displays wrong battery percentage, and now my microphone doesn't work which results in people saying i sound far away. This list is not exhaustive and I think the last one is hardware. Other issues include apps crashing on launch, and on the latest built, not notifying me that I have messages.

Don't worry mate. I completely feel you. And a hard reset didn't solve anything. So I don't think you need to do one, but of course, you may try.
my 640 has not had any of those effects. Could be something got corrupted during the update.
Have the latest public release build .103 running on my L640 XL and L650 and both perform well....except I notice that now the 640 is having some screen freezing issues. I never noticed it before the latest build release...i did a hard reset after the update and it is still freezing from time to time...not long, but it is still annoying on an otherwise much improved OS.

The platform is getting better overall though with each update. I'm not a big app user so I am very content with what windows offers. It's certainly not the mess it was when I got my first win10 L950 last November.

Predictive text still needs work...which most windows fans know is nowhere near it was on 8.1. I guess at some point we won't need to type in the future with Cortana. Talk text is one of the best things I like with win 10. Very convenient and accurate.

That's the wonderful thing about freedom. You aren't limited to one platform but have three to choose from. We are so spoiled when you look at our blessings. Give thanks to God!
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It sounds to me like you are a prime iPhone candidate. I would normally also suggest a Nexus device, but given your experience with the 5X that is probably not very negotiable at this point! :orly:

The iPhone is a great combination of capability and "just works". Of course, there will be negative experiences; there always are. However, there is a reason the iPhone continues to sell like gangbusters year after year after year, and rake in record profits. No, it is not only due to "brainwashed followers" (I do not like that term. I'm using it because it is used here and WC participants are familiar with it. I do not believe it is true. Or, if it is true for iPhone fans, it is also true for WP/W10M fans, Android fans, and fans of anything else.). No, it is not only due to status and prestige. No, it is not only due to clever marketing. All of these things will quickly become irrelevant if the product does not perform. The iPhone performs.

Nahh, after knowing Apple is paying 0.005% tax here in Europe when it's making truckloads of money, **** them, really.

I'll try a OnePlus 3, which had been having extremely positive reviews, and buy a Lumia 650 as suggested, just to check out the state of the platform.
Nahh, after knowing Apple is paying 0.005% tax here in Europe when it's making truckloads of money, **** them, really.

I'll try a OnePlus 3, which had been having extremely positive reviews, and buy a Lumia 650 as suggested, just to check out the state of the platform.

I'm not one who gets all hyped up about sensational journalism. If the report about Apple is true, then Google and Microsoft and other large companies could probably be accused of something equally as incriminating. I guess I'm more pragmatic. I'm not as concerned about what goes on behind the scenes as I am about my experiences.

That said, I actually prefer Android over iOS, so I applaud your decision. It's just that after what you said in the OP I didn't think Android was an option! :winktongue:

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