What's the state of Windows 10 Mobile? Is it worth it right now?

I have a Galaxy S5 running Android 6 and I try switching to it every so often from the Windows 640 phone running Windows 10, I find for some reason my battery life on the Galaxy S5 sucks. I can drop down to less than 30% by mid day and the phone heats up sometimes. I have a new battery in it too and it doesn't seem to help. I find the phone can sometimes just get really sluggish and just down right annoying and awkward to use compared to the Windows phone. I hardly have any lag or sluggishness on the Windows phone. My windows phone will be at 70% when the Galaxy is at 30 or 40%.

There are enough decent apps to get me through the day and when I need more I can come home and use my computer or tablet for the apps that are not on my phone.

I really hope there will be a way for Windows Phone to survive and universal apps will make it that most apps available to iOS and Android will be available to Windows platform too.
I am using a Galaxy S4 and a 640. The S4 is fine though battery life is not that good and it is indeed laggy at times. The 640 is smooth, has better battery life but seems a little less stable. I am fine with the app gap because I don't really need many apps and for those missing apps that I need, I can use mobile web that are pinned to start. But S4 and Android is not that bad and quite usable. I can't get used to IPhone and iOS though.
Originally posted by patcherd
That's the wonderful thing about freedom. You aren't limited to one platform but have three to choose from. We are so spoiled when you look at our blessings. Give thanks to God!

But do we really? To shift from the Windows ecosystem to the Apple ecosystem would cost an absolute fortune (buying an Apple desktop, laptop, phone, and if they even do one a stick Apple computer, and all the software, and the bits of hardware to replace the bits Apple don't like, at famously affordable Apple prices) any extra apps available on the iPhone is a negligible factor compared to the insanely huge app gap between OSX and all my other Windows devices. Then there's Android, which may be cheap but I tried messing with the Chromebook for larks and it is just so limited it's pretty much a tech demo. I'm astonished that Google actually managed to come up with something with an even bigger app gap compared to Windows than a Macbook. If Windows ecosystem users think they have an app gap, they will really find what that means if they drop Windows for any of the 'alternative' ecosystems. Think yourself lucky Windows users only face this issue on the phone, and realise it is tiny compared to the issue on the other ecosystems. Compared to them, Windows is massively more mature and capable. To shift on a whim is just not practical for many. To suggest they have a free choice requires pretty simplistic reasoning.
Additional: Forgot to add the need to buy an iPad to replace my Windows tablet in that Apple equation above. Wish we could still edit posts in this WC app...
I think it is worth it..and I think it s marketability is undersold. Microsoft have a good thing on their hands, they are just too afraid to fight for it.

I have personally convinced 3 people to buy a Lumia 950 and 1 person to buy a Lumia 640, without much effort! And these are people that have used Android, iOS etc.

This thing can be marketed! It is not a bad product...it is just undersold. It has problems, well so too do all the other platforms! Android with its 80% marketshare has massive problems and it has succeeded. Why do we all get so surprised when anybody mentions any limitation of Windows? You flagships in iOS for crying out loud with 720p screens. I had countless problems with memory expansion on Android! Buggy software? Why do we act like Windows invented glitches?

You market the software hard....as is, and you chip away at the problems as much as you can. Every product is a fraud in one way or another. No company produces the perfect product, but you don't tell the consumer that...Apple know that all too well.
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What I like is I paid $40 for my 640 and over $700 for my Samsung Galaxy S5 which is paid off now. But why would I want to pay $700 for an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy 7 or many other android phones. I don't worry about anything happening to my Windows phone. If it gets broken, lost or stolen (Doubt many people would want to steal it), I would only have to pay $40 and get another. With my cloud backup, I can restore the new Windows phone pretty easily. I could also remotely wipe my lost or stolen Windows phone.

I just read that the NYPD uses Windows phones running 8.1 in a pilot program from 2014. They are upgrading to Windows 10 for all 36,000 officers.
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When it's something about Windows Phone, 90% of the time it's complaining. I think Windows Phone is underrated and I know that if someday I switch to Android or iOS, I would want to get back to Windows on the second day.

Sent from mTalk on my Lumia 535.

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