I think it is worth it..and I think it s marketability is undersold. Microsoft have a good thing on their hands, they are just too afraid to fight for it.
I have personally convinced 3 people to buy a Lumia 950 and 1 person to buy a Lumia 640, without much effort! And these are people that have used Android, iOS etc.
This thing can be marketed! It is not a bad product...it is just undersold. It has problems, well so too do all the other platforms! Android with its 80% marketshare has massive problems and it has succeeded. Why do we all get so surprised when anybody mentions any limitation of Windows? You flagships in iOS for crying out loud with 720p screens. I had countless problems with memory expansion on Android! Buggy software? Why do we act like Windows invented glitches?
You market the software hard....as is, and you chip away at the problems as much as you can. Every product is a fraud in one way or another. No company produces the perfect product, but you don't tell the consumer that...Apple know that all too well.