Hi all. I posted this in the Windows 8 guide forum and they sent me here. Maybe someone can help me here. I own a 920. I have not have any major problems with it since I purchased it earlier this year, except for the one time when I had to sent it back to Nokia to reformat after the previous buggy update. However, recently, the notifications for my Whatsapp, Line and Wechat all just stopped. I cannot receive any notifications of new messages at all. At the same time, my facebook chat mysteriously came back to life a few days ago after I installed the latest version of the fb app. It had not been working properly since almost the beginning of my using the 920. But now, fb chat is down too. I am left to only using sms to keep touch with ppl. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Whatsapp, fb and it didn't work. I don't relish resetting the phone. Can anyone help me with this problem since it is extremely irritating.
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