When will Win 10 be available on my HTC One M 8 WinPhone8.1? Is it time to give up on WinPhone?

Edward Williams3

New member
Mar 31, 2016
I am a business owner with an intermediate level of tech knowledge. I have a Surface Pro 3 and a desktop both running Win 10 and I like the fact that content shows up on both. Should I get the new Win 10 Nokia phone? I have heard that Nokia may fade away. Or should I get an Android or I-Phone and just forget about syncing with my other devices?
Nokia has already been acquired by Microsoft, and their phone lines have been all but deprecated Edward. You have a very good phone in the HTC M8 already. However, due to the conflux of HTC, MS, and Verizon all being involved in the upgrade process for WM10 for the phone, its been pretty much all but off the cards for the phone to get the update officially. You mention you are an intermediate tech user, and as such, from that I would recommend that you dont give up on the platform altogether just yet. :) ^_^

Since you have a pretty decent phone already, you could do one of these things. MS has a pretty big insider program where you can get your phone upgraded to WM10 unofficially. While the phone isnt on the supported list, if you look through the WC M8 forums, you'll find that there are simple registry hacks to get your device rolling onto the insider program with little to no hiccups. This can give you a good idea of what you'll be getting in the new platform and you can make your decisions better informed about staying on the bandwagon. Or even just sticking with the M8 on the unofficial WM10 updates program. Its still a very good phone you know. And you'll be down nothing except a little bit of time, and if you dont like it, maybe some frustration. Unless you earn a hundred dollars an hour. I know I dont. Yet. :P

The other course of action is to just go out, and pick a cheap Lumia 640, they're only out a 30 odd dollars pretax and shipping off of bestbuy right now. Upgrade it over the official WM upgrade channels, and then keep it, use, it, give it away. The decision is really up to you, But its really a good device, and an excellent experience. Especially if you need help making up your mind about your future purchases, or just something to tide you over until the best comes out. ;) I know because I got all my family on them, one each. So now literally everyone in our house has one, except for dad. He's still on an old Nokia. Nokia 1200. And its built like a tank. He refuses to be suckered into the fast world of planned obsolesce that is the smart phone.

And finally, if you have to purchase now, then there's a couple of really good offers here on the Lumia 950 and the 950XL right here on our very own WC marketplace. With very good bundles. Lower than what the market is going for. Or just purchase outright from the MS store. They're both very good devices who've come a long way from their release time, and are stable daily drivers now. With specs to beat or match the best in both android, and the iverse. Or if you still have time, you could stake it out until either the HP Elite X3, the Acer Jade Primo, or the new Alcatel flagships are out. They're all enticing devices, with flagship specs. Tempting. Tide yourself over with the HTC M8, beautiful device, or a cheapo Lumia 640, beautiful experience.

Anyways, its all up to you. Just giving in my very long two cents in there. Best of luck deciding Williams. :) ^_^

-- W

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