When your contract is up, will you get another windows phone?


New member
Sep 24, 2011
In the current state of windows phone, would you wanna upgrade to another one when your contract is up? I got almost two years to go and although I like it, there are things that need to be worked on and improved. Its kinda like being part of an unfinished project where ideas are being revamped along the way. Guess I just gotta wait and see what wp8 is gonna be all about, that's if WP is still even around by then..
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I'll see where WP is at when my contract is up (Nov 2012). Will also consider iPhone 5 if it brings something I want that WP doesn't have. Regardless, I enjoy the WP experience a lot so it's likely that I'll stay with it. Would love a killer camera and I'm counting on Nokia to make it happen.

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In its current state? No. But when my contract is up Apollo will be out so who knows.
I'm invested in the MS eco system my phone is part of that. I have an XBOX I'm a Zune subscriber and my primary email is a windows live account so it would take more than a few improvements to move me from the windows MS system. Plus's at this time I think WP has more to offer so if I had to chose now I would keep a WP. Chances are good that won't change at the end of my contract in 2 years.
I've had other earlier versions of windows for my phones in the past. They have always ran well. I know I'll try a few more WP7 phones over the next year. I am on a 30 day and out contract. So far so good! :cool:

Me too!, ah say, me too! :)
I've never hesitated to buy off contract, but I am happy with my Trophy. If MS sticks with it, so will I.
What the **** does "being invested" into a ecosystem mean?

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I'm more than happy with my focus and the over all windows phone 7 is. I'll be upgrading within the ecosystem.

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Android - Ugly and clunky.
iSuck - Well, the name says it all. Can't stand the company and the OS is dated. Icons, icons and, well, more icons.

Windows Phone = sexual OS. Apollo and Windows 8 on the horizon. Bring on the upgrade!
Yes. What got me into WP is the metro UI and integration of Facebook and twitter into the phone, so i doubt I'll use an android or iOS phone again. :D
I shouldn't answer this one today because I'm still REALLY pissed about never hearing anything back from my repeated inquiries regarding the Night Out party last night here in Chicago that, I WANTED to go to, had registered to go to, but never got a confirmation or directions or anything for... So, instead I sat at home on a saturday night and practiced being surly while wondering why I should stay with a phone O/S when they don't seem very interested in trying to keep me around... so... right now I'm inclined to say F this and move on to something else when my contract is up. Hopefully by that time though I will have calmed down enough that I give the newest and latest WP version a fair shake but... that's not gonna be today. :mad:

i bought my phone off contract and will do the same with my next wp7 device
windows phone keep me interested to see what next
I'll see where WP is at when my contract is up (Nov 2012). Will also consider iPhone 5 if it brings something I want that WP doesn't have. Regardless, I enjoy the WP experience a lot so it's likely that I'll stay with it. Would love a killer camera and I'm counting on Nokia to make it happen.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express

When I first got my trophy in mid August of this year, I wanted to return it immediately. The 3 things I look for in a phone is camera quality, good choice of phone settings and options, and the convenience of GPS, e-mail, and internet access. The camera and phone options aren't that great but the media integration, e-mail, and web browsing is excellent. If my contract was up right now I still wouldn't uprade to another WP. But I am definatly getting used to it (in the way I got used to my first flip phone) and I find the whole wp7 experience "interesting" more than anything else. What's keeping me is the sense that it's like a movie...I wanna see what's gonna happen next.
My contract is up in 2013 and I can't stand my carrier. The price is great but there's no coverage where I need it the most. Also AT&T have the best signal and 3G coverage here but it's so expensive =(
Oh I most definitely would upgrade to get another Windows Phone. The phones are great, the OS is outstanding. And as far as people complaining about WP7's "current state", maybe this OS or their phones aren't for you. I would say just go find the OS or the phone that is for you.

Kind of like I did when I chosed to get a WP7. Because it is the OS for ME.

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