Which applications will you install first?


New member
Oct 29, 2012
This kind of goes along with the "Top 10 apps" post, but I was curious what Surface 3 owners would be installing on their devices within the first few days.

My list:
0) OS Updates - There were 400mb+ worth when I started up the computer.

1) Spybot S&D - The immunize function re-routes a lot of known spyware domains to via the host file, which can help prevent your computer from getting malicious software on it.

2) Office 365 - I really like that the RT OS included office and it's nice that MS included a year's sub to the real deal. I set it up and maybe I'll sub to the $99/year plan for my household when it runs out.

3) Adobe Creative Could - I'm curious how well digital photography applications will run. Currently installing Photoshop and Lightroom with the touch app plugins.

4) Netflix - I don't use it often with mobile devices, but I always install it. Same goes for the Watch ABC and the CBS apps.

Those would be the essentials. Beyond them I'll probably install Pinball FX 2, which should run much better than it did on my Surface RT.
Office I think that's a yes. A couple of others like Sprint Layout and Multisim. I was wondering if that thingie can play SolidWorks??? If yes, then please Microsoft, do take my money!
I installed OS updates, Office, Chrome, Dropbox, Google Earth Pro (for work), and Adobe Reader.

I haven't installed anything from the Windows App Store yet, I don't necessarily know if I'm going to or not aside from some games and maybe OneNote (sometimes I prefer using the Modern version when I'm in tablet mode).
In no particular order

OS updates
Blizzard client for Hearthstone
Skype, Viber, Office, AutoCAD, PhotoShop, Steam, Chrome, Waterfox, OneDrive, CCleaner,...
Steam, GoG Galaxy, Office, Photoshop, Visual Studio, Spark, Firefox, and of course a bunch of touch friendly games. My S3 is currently at home running updates, can't wait to toy around with it.
Steam, GoG Galaxy, Office, Photoshop, Visual Studio, Spark, Firefox, and of course a bunch of touch friendly games. My S3 is currently at home running updates, can't wait to toy around with it.

I would love to know how the Surface 3 runs some of the non-demanding Steam games and the older games available on GoG. I am very close to purchasing one and I plan to use it a lot for those types of games if possible. I also plan to try Steam in-home game streaming. I am looking forward to hearing about people's experiences with these activities on the Surface 3.
I would love to know how the Surface 3 runs some of the non-demanding Steam games and the older games available on GoG. I am very close to purchasing one and I plan to use it a lot for those types of games if possible. I also plan to try Steam in-home game streaming. I am looking forward to hearing about people's experiences with these activities on the Surface 3.

If you look online, you can get gameplay videos of people playing various games on previous-gen Atom tablets, which are weaker, but surprisingly powerful. (like the Dell Venue 8 Pro)

My sister plays DOTA 2, League of Legends on hers.
I threw Starcraft II on that (which works well until things get serious with big army balls rolling around late game)
Others have played things like Minecraft, etc.

And the 3 is a bit more powerful than those.
The first things I installed were Chrome, iTunes and Microsoft Office 2013. Even though it came with Office 365, I'd rather install my existing license of the desktop version than pay $70 a year to use Word and Excel occasionally.
I would love to know how the Surface 3 runs some of the non-demanding Steam games and the older games available on GoG. I am very close to purchasing one and I plan to use it a lot for those types of games if possible. I also plan to try Steam in-home game streaming. I am looking forward to hearing about people's experiences with these activities on the Surface 3.

Well, I currently have HOMM3(GoG version), Puzzle Quest 2, Puzzle Kingdoms, GameDev Tycoon, Plants vs Zombies installed, and all seem to run fine so far. Photoshop is installed, unfortunately my pen order had a mishap with amazon and they are sending it to me on the 12th. And I also have yet to open Project Spark to see how well that runs.
I will be installing in the near future: Fallen Enchantress, Omerta: City of Gangsters, Citizens of Earth, Final Fantasy 4, Sim City 4, Europa Universallis 4, Kings Bounty: Dark Side, Visual Studio 2012, rest of Adobe CS5 and many more.

I know a bunch of these games don't have touch support, but I am looking to test them out and see how well the touch does work on them. I won't have much time this weekend to mess with it, but I will update my posts, or create a new thread on how well it is operating. I am also using the 4/128GB model.
Well, I currently have HOMM3(GoG version), Puzzle Quest 2, Puzzle Kingdoms, GameDev Tycoon, Plants vs Zombies installed, and all seem to run fine so far. Photoshop is installed, unfortunately my pen order had a mishap with amazon and they are sending it to me on the 12th. And I also have yet to open Project Spark to see how well that runs.
I will be installing in the near future: Fallen Enchantress, Omerta: City of Gangsters, Citizens of Earth, Final Fantasy 4, Sim City 4, Europa Universallis 4, Kings Bounty: Dark Side, Visual Studio 2012, rest of Adobe CS5 and many more.

I know a bunch of these games don't have touch support, but I am looking to test them out and see how well the touch does work on them. I won't have much time this weekend to mess with it, but I will update my posts, or create a new thread on how well it is operating. I am also using the 4/128GB model.

Thanks for that info. As for games that don't have touch support, I would love to know how playable they are using the pen. It seems like it would be almost as good (and maybe better in some cases) as using a mouse. But without any direct experience, I can only assume.
I tried out Half-Life 2 and Castle Crashers on mine (4GB, 128MB model).

Half-Life 2 fluctuated at 30-45fps on 1080p and everything on high with vsync. I bumped it down to 720p and it ran at 60fps with the same settings. Castle Crashers had everything on high with 1080p native and it ran perfect. I'm going to test some more games soon but a tablet that can play Half-Life 2 at 60FPS is pretty slick to me.
Installing some apps that I had on previous Windows tablet and find out that there is no Pandora app anymore!!!!! Is it just the old app that won't install, or did Pandora discontinue it? Same with Yahoo Mail. I don't mind the no Yahoo(I do find it strange that Yahoo does not have an App though) because the loaded Mail app does handle multiple emails from all over.
There is an app for the paid version, Pandora One. Otherwise you have to use it through a web browser.

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