Which do you use, Skype Preview or Messaging App on W10M?

Skype Preview for me, haven't noticed any excessive battery drain and it has the added benefit of being able to mix Skype and SMS messages so you can continue conversations.
Tbh I rarely use both these days as all my contacts use WhatsApp for communication. However, if I must pick between the two, I use the Messaging app more often than Skype. It just works, and I prefer its UI than the Skype's.
I tried using Skype Preview for messaging but just found it too bulky for simple SMS texting. I only tried it because MSFT tried forcing users to use it by disabling Messaging Sync to PC's and requiring Skype Preview for that feature. I still preferred Messaging so I've switched back however I do miss being able to respond to texts from my PC. You can still use Cortana to send a text, but you can no longer respond to incoming texts.
Some serious haters here.

I use Skype Preview. It's still not perfect, but has made serious gains I've the past few months.

The latest build basically broke SMS sync, particularly on PC, but after signing in/out and verifying the attention code it fixed everything. I assume the next build will resolve that.

The live tile still only shows an asterisk for notification, instead of an actual number... Even better would be a message preview and a number count.

Skype Preview notifications don't show up on glance (WHOOPS, turns out I didn't as it. It works).

Skype Preview doesn't show in the universal share lost on mobile. - share option in photos doesn't list it as an option. You must open Skype and as the photo to a message there.

That's about all my gripes, everything else seems to be fine after a lot of improvements. I suspect we'll see it make the biggest gains coinciding with OS builds. I also suspect tat the next build, after Creative, will see It's "completion".
I don't get any message notification from Skype, only at the lock screen. Used to work until a few weeks ago. Cr@p!
I agree that the Skype preview is a good idea but needs some work to use every day. I go back and forth between messaging and Skype as the Skype app is updated continuously.
Skype Preview for me, haven't noticed any excessive battery drain and it has the added benefit of being able to mix Skype and SMS messages so you can continue conversations.

Yeah, I haven't experienced any excessive battery drain either. I've gone back between the 2 apps the last day or so I've been on skype. I'm not sure what the previous builds of Skype were like but the current one is very stable. Yeah, the UI is not as simple as messaging app but I think it works pretty good for now.

Sent from my Lumia 950 on mTalk

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