Which one will be Windows 10 mobile's killer feature? Your opinion

There's quite a few settings under Extras including the glance screen that had not been restyled for W10 yet. I hope that they will rewrite them all, but they are not a priority atm. They are there if you do not hard reset.

I've done the hard reset, and still, i have glance.
I think the end result will be for consumers, that they get a lot more apps than today because of it. Sure, that in itself is not a killer feature, but I think that if the app gap does not exist Windows 10 Mobile won't need a killer feature.

Fulfill the app gap is just the baseline in my point of view, the platform still needs extra highlight spot to really attracting people willing to give a try then pay the money to get on board. For now I can't see continuum can bring my multi-task work from my laptop to my phone with significant effective improvement than teamviewer and if it shrink on my phone then there's nothing to "contiune" so it's not a go for me.

Cheap price to hook people get it as spare phone then get them addicted to it might be an costy approach but in asia area I fall to see that happen even in WP8 era, they are as pricy as blackberry. Selling an entry level spec device for 100~150USD off-contact price is crazy for a small brand with not-complete system even it's from microsoft.
maybe continuum, as it seems...but nothing else could be considered a "killer" feature. it used to have sometime ago many more..

Continuum isn't going to be a killer feature and I'll give you an example, you're going to be working from a remote office in your organisation great you think "I can do all my work from my phone". This depends the remote location having a monitor a mouse and keyboard sitting on a desk, if they have these why don't they have a PC plugged in for anyone to use? You'll either need your own dock/hub or hope the company has rolled them out. Now the big kicker you'll need apps for everything you do at work, yet any in house software isn't going to run on your phone unless the dev team has been very hard at work.
The start screen is the killer feature. Way better in windows 10 than in windows 8.1. More refined, more options. It can really be made to look nice and arranged to work best with your workflow.

The home screen in Windows 10 mobile is no different than Windows Phone 8.1 in functionality as far as I can see. What is making it "way better"?
Continuum isn't going to be a killer feature and I'll give you an example, you're going to be working from a remote office in your organisation great you think "I can do all my work from my phone". This depends the remote location having a monitor a mouse and keyboard sitting on a desk, if they have these why don't they have a PC plugged in for anyone to use? You'll either need your own dock/hub or hope the company has rolled them out. Now the big kicker you'll need apps for everything you do at work, yet any in house software isn't going to run on your phone unless the dev team has been very hard at work.

That's why I've said maybe. for me at least is not a killer feature. also iris scanner is worse than touch id for unlocking the phone for example. While you are driving, and the phone is mounted, what do you do? stare at the phone and hit the wall?? :)))
The home screen in Windows 10 mobile is no different than Windows Phone 8.1 in functionality as far as I can see. What is making it "way better"?

The tiles are closer, the ability to set a background picture and set the transparency of the tiles. This is purely from a aesthetics point of view. But this also allows you to get tiles that are easier to see the text on and work better for you.

I mean action center and all that is great no doubt. But I love the new start screen. I can have an action center in ios.
Continuum isn't going to be a killer feature and I'll give you an example, you're going to be working from a remote office in your organisation great you think "I can do all my work from my phone". This depends the remote location having a monitor a mouse and keyboard sitting on a desk, if they have these why don't they have a PC plugged in for anyone to use? You'll either need your own dock/hub or hope the company has rolled them out. Now the big kicker you'll need apps for everything you do at work, yet any in house software isn't going to run on your phone unless the dev team has been very hard at work.
I think you're wrong sir and I'll tell you why: A monitor with peripherals that already has a PC plugged in that does not belong to you (most likely scenario according to your post) will have one major drawback - it does not let you continue continue your own work. Ability to just plug in your phone wherever is an awesome idea IMO.
nice idea but not an extreme sale point. Extreme sale point was the camera in Lumia phones sometime ago and the fluidity of the OS which is not the case anymore with windows 10.
I think you're wrong sir and I'll tell you why: A monitor with peripherals that already has a PC plugged in that does not belong to you (most likely scenario according to your post) will have one major drawback - it does not let you continue continue your own work. Ability to just plug in your phone wherever is an awesome idea IMO.
Have you ever heard about teamviewer? With the co-op of teamviewer+airplay/miracast the iOS/Android device get similar ability of Continuum without the SoC limitation ALREADY.
I don't think any OS has any single feature that could be called "killer". In most cases, a consumer looks at the whole ecosystem and makes a buying choice.
I don't see W10 having any killer feature. What I'm hoping for is that there will be enough stinging features that the sum of all the parts will kill you until you die from it.
Sideloading Android apps/games while enjoying Windows Phone smoothness, security and stability.
The tiles are closer, the ability to set a background picture and set the transparency of the tiles. This is purely from a aesthetics point of view. But this also allows you to get tiles that are easier to see the text on and work better for you.

So functionally nothing new yet it's "killer". Also the argument that text on a solid colour would appear to offer greater clarity than transparency.

I don't think any OS has any single feature that could be called "killer".

Every new feature on a new iPhone is described in that fashion though, "we don't need a bigger screen", fast forward "bigger screen it's killer". "NFC is useless", fast forward "We've got NFC AND IT'S KIIILLLEEEERRR!" :wink:
So functionally nothing new yet it's "killer". Also the argument that text on a solid colour would appear to offer greater clarity than transparency.

Every new feature on a new iPhone is described in that fashion though, "we don't need a bigger screen", fast forward "bigger screen it's killer". "NFC is useless", fast forward "We've got NFC AND IT'S KIIILLLEEEERRR!" :wink:

But it's what we have that the competition doesn't. Same thing from windows 8.1 but improved. Just like ios improves features and they at least have a great user base that are positive about things.
Same thing from windows 8.1 but improved.

I don't count decreased functionality and garish cosmetics as improvements

Just like ios improves features and they at least have a great user base that are positive about things.

Comparing to iOS lemmings doesn't help any argument. The user base are told they don't need functions that aren't available and love them once Apple invent them.
I don't count decreased functionality and garish cosmetics as improvements


Comparing to iOS lemmings doesn't help any argument. The user base are told they don't need functions that aren't available and love them once Apple invent them.

How about you give me Angela's contact and maybe I'll ask Microsoft to fix things up for you.
I don't count decreased functionality and garish cosmetics as improvements


Comparing to iOS lemmings doesn't help any argument. The user base are told they don't need functions that aren't available and love them once Apple invent them.

You highlighted the biggest thorn in my side about WP10. WP8.1 had an amazing contact management system - nothing comes close. This has to be one of the worst design decisions I've seen made in software upgrades. There isn't a single thing gained or improved but much was lost and fuglified.

Contacts are the central piece of a system designed for communication.
You highlighted the biggest thorn in my side about WP10. WP8.1 had an amazing contact management system - nothing comes close. This has to be one of the worst design decisions I've seen made in software upgrades. There isn't a single thing gained or improved but much was lost and fuglified.

Contacts are the central piece of a system designed for communication.

when they seem to use part time designers...this is what comes out...nothing is in place in this OS.

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