Which one will be Windows 10 mobile's killer feature? Your opinion

Continuum is a killer feature for sure. Unfortunately, I think it's the one feature that may end up killing this platform.

Think in terms of telecoms. Here you've been screaming for years about network congestion and limiting internet access via data buckets and paywalls. Suddenly, here's this new phone that literally transforms into a full blown PC. It could be the internet hub in someone's house with minimal effort, sucking up hundreds of GBs. Would that not terrify you as a telecom?

Look at it this way, and you start to see why none of them are knocking Microsoft's door down to carry these phones.
Continuum is a killer feature for sure. Unfortunately, I think it's the one feature that may end up killing this platform.

Think in terms of telecoms. Here you've been screaming for years about network congestion and limiting internet access via data buckets and paywalls. Suddenly, here's this new phone that literally transforms into a full blown PC. It could be the internet hub in someone's house with minimal effort, sucking up hundreds of GBs. Would that not terrify you as a telecom?

Look at it this way, and you start to see why none of them are knocking Microsoft's door down to carry these phones.
Well, from what I saw during the event demo. I'm not impressed by the Continuum they shown. We know that only UWP can be used through Continuum desktop yet I was expected to be proceeded in what we have now in Windows 10 - a windowlized app taken part of the screen which makes you take full advantage to having a bigger screen, to access multi apps in the same screen. Instead, the Continuum launches and runs app in a way of wp8 metro up style which waste the flexibility of having a huge screen and drop the productivity to the level of Android tablet. If that's the case then the whole package(three cables at least, Continuum dock) is not more attractive than a simple android smart TV stick in terms of money or movability.

I really hope Continuum is more than what they got on stage but usually when you demo you show the best you got.....
You highlighted the biggest thorn in my side about WP10. WP8.1 had an amazing contact management system - nothing comes close. This has to be one of the worst design decisions I've seen made in software upgrades. There isn't a single thing gained or improved but much was lost and fuglified.

Contacts are the central piece of a system designed for communication.

A friend of mine brought this up at the W10 launch event, the response from the MS guy was sort of 'no one likes contacts and I'm not really sure why it changed'.
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