Which Phone? HTC Titan OR Samsung Focus S


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Hi Guys,
Need some help choosing a 2nd gen Windows Phone 7 device. Currently, I have a HTC HD7, and I love it, don't get me wrong, but I do want a 2nd gen WP7 device. I currently reside in Australia, and the amount of Windows Phone's we have here compared to the U.S is poor. So, before the Christmas, I want to buy a new WP7 device. I like the HTC Titan, and the Focus S, but I'm not sure which to get?

Which one should I get? Let me know by commenting and doing the Poll!
P.S (I'll most likely be ordering the device from the U.S)
Check the thread "This thing is legit" in the Focus S forum.

I only posted from my iPhone using Tapatalk because my Focus is charging!
I really didn't like the Focus S when I checked it out. Too plasticy for my tastes. Plus the HTC exclusive apps (Flashlight, Notes, Lists, Attentive Phone {my personal favorite}) are much better than Samsung's exclusives.
I agree with jdevenberg. HTC's apps are wayy better then the Sammy apps. As for the 'plasticness' I'm not sure, is it like the Galaxy SII? Cause thats really plasticy too
They are both really nice phone. I think you would be happy with either.
I agree with jdevenberg. HTC's apps are wayy better then the Sammy apps. As for the 'plasticness' I'm not sure, is it like the Galaxy SII? Cause thats really plasticy too

Yes. It is almost exactly the same construction as the Galaxy S II as far as I can tell. I had them side by side and if I had my eyes shut I'd have a hard time telling which was which. The give away would be the camera button on the Focus S.
i actualy have the Focus S now, but I may return. I'm not very pleased with the camera quality. I had the S2 but the Focus S doesn't seem to be as good. Weird I know. Also, I'm curious if the Titan photo quality is better.

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