Yahoo Tech's David Pogue just wrote this about the Surface 3:
"But think about it: They?ve managed to pack a full-blown Windows PC into a tablet. If we?d seen this 10 years ago, we would have fallen down and worshiped it as a god. Microsoft?s hardware divisions have been firing on all cylinders lately. The non-Pro Surface is another winner and deserves to become a hit."
After his positive review of the Microsoft Band, I was surprised. Now this. Who IS this guy?
"But think about it: They?ve managed to pack a full-blown Windows PC into a tablet. If we?d seen this 10 years ago, we would have fallen down and worshiped it as a god. Microsoft?s hardware divisions have been firing on all cylinders lately. The non-Pro Surface is another winner and deserves to become a hit."
After his positive review of the Microsoft Band, I was surprised. Now this. Who IS this guy?