Why its Windows Mobile or NOTHING for me... What were you looking forward to in Windows 10 Mobile?

hey beman35, isn't it funny how many avid ios and android users frequent threads about an OS that they hate? Curious eh? What is really their goal of spending this much time and energy bashing and attempting to cyber users who like MS stuff. I for one don't cruise i-forums or droid forums wreaking havoc.
I am starting to think this is how marketing is done now days, just send your trolls and fanboys to sew seeds of contempt among the competition's users.
Maybe I am wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out why they are here if they have indeed left MS behind.
You ought to see the haters on BlackBerry articles on any site. You'd think Windows and BB were the top dogs by the way they get trashed.
hey beman35, isn't it funny how many avid ios and android users frequent threads about an OS that they hate? Curious eh? What is really their goal of spending this much time and energy bashing and attempting to cyber users who like MS stuff. I for one don't cruise i-forums or droid forums wreaking havoc.
I am starting to think this is how marketing is done now days, just send your trolls and fanboys to sew seeds of contempt among the competition's users.
Maybe I am wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out why they are here if they have indeed left MS behind.


I've never set foot in a forum to bash anyone for using Android and I can't be bothered to say anything with IOS and when I do post neg facts about Droids is because someone is posting how WM10 is inferior to android and then I try set them straight that android isn't the "be all end all OS" with FACTS... And its all over this forum and especially in a thread about how we all like to stick with WM10 and we don't want to move on to other OS's and the same people try to make us that we're crazy for sticking with our WM10 devices and quit frankly I'm fed up.... no one knows the shortcomings of WM10 more than we do but we know the MANY great things WM10 is capable of and that's what we focus on and why we remain with our WM10 devices. I'm the first to blast MSFT for doing something stupid and I don't try to ignore or keep my head in the sand about anything MS does that's retarted! and believe me MSFT does so many stupid things it boggles my mind! the ONLY reason MSFT is still around is because of their Windows OS and Office suit programs... oh and they nailed it with Surface product lines but the dumbest advertisings that is embarrassing to watch... I can say Apple has a phenomenal advertising division! LOL just a great example is the Surface RT, very poorly adverts and people got confused and thought it was a full Windows and turning it on and realizing they can't install win32 programs and then they bring it back. but it was 90% Windows and you could do SO much with the RT and anyone who knows this was Sean Ong who used to promote Windows RT with "HOW TO" videos and just blew me away with what could be done on the RT... and I still have it and use it to this day!!! well not me but my GF.. it blew the iPad out of the water in terms of productivity and things that could be done! I dare anyone to go watch Sean Ongs videos of the RT! it might well change your minds about RT...

I've never set foot in a forum to bash anyone for using Android and I can't be bothered to say anything with IOS and when I do post neg facts about Droids is because someone is posting how WM10 is inferior to android and then I try set them straight that android isn't the "be all end all OS" with FACTS... And its all over this forum and especially in a thread about how we all like to stick with WM10 and we don't want to move on to other OS's and the same people try to make us that we're crazy for sticking with our WM10 devices and quit frankly I'm fed up.... no one knows the shortcomings of WM10 more than we do but we know the MANY great things WM10 is capable of and that's what we focus on and why we remain with our WM10 devices. I'm the first to blast MSFT for doing something stupid and I don't try to ignore or keep my head in the sand about anything MS does that's retarted! and believe me MSFT does so many stupid things it boggles my mind! the ONLY reason MSFT is still around is because of their Windows OS and Office suit programs... oh and they nailed it with Surface product lines but the dumbest advertisings that is embarrassing to watch... I can say Apple has a phenomenal advertising division! LOL just a great example is the Surface RT, very poorly adverts and people got confused and thought it was a full Windows and turning it on and realizing they can't install win32 programs and then they bring it back. but it was 90% Windows and you could do SO much with the RT and anyone who knows this was Sean Ong who used to promote Windows RT with "HOW TO" videos and just blew me away with what could be done on the RT... and I still have it and use it to this day!!! well not me but my GF.. it blew the iPad out of the water in terms of productivity and things that could be done! I dare anyone to go watch Sean Ongs videos of the RT! it might well change your minds about RT...

and i can do lot with win10S than chromeos and i can ******* run hyper-v in it and install any os i want if i really need to run .exes or installer.

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