Why am I unable to use all my pictures in my apps?


New member
Oct 14, 2014
Unable to use all pictures in apps

When I first started using Windows Phone 2 years ago I was able to see all pictures from every app. After a few months (more than a year ago) this changed. I'm unable to see to pictures I've added from my PC and that's 99% of my collection. Every time I want to share a picture within an app I have to make a screenshot and share the screenshot. This of course is very annoying! Does anybody now a solution for this problem? I've been searching the internet a lot for this but without success.
Re: Unable to use all pictures in apps

Just curious,where did you save those picture on your phone? in others word- where is the folder located?
Re: Unable to use all pictures in apps

The pictures are saved under the picture folder at the same level as Camera Roll, Sample Pictures, Saved Pictures, and Screenshots.
Folder is named Pictures (MY-SERVER). Only thing is that there isn't a picture in that folder but only folders with pictures.

I copied a picture and the folder is visible now. Problem is that the subfolders aren't. This worked in the beginning but now I can word around it. But I would still prefer that it would work as before because my library is very big especially folders such as vacations.

PS: I'm from the Netherlands, that's why it's almost noon :wink:

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Re: Unable to use all pictures in apps

I just created subfolder with Files and copied there few pictures. Then I checked it with WhatsApp, I too don't see subfolder. If before you were able to see it, I don't know why you (we) don't have access to it now

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