Why did you decide to buy a windows phone?

The first WP that caught by attention was the Lumia 800. Nokia marketed the hell out of that thing in my country, and i really love the way it looks both hardware and software. Just so happen I saw an ad selling a used Black Lumia 800, so i went for it. :)
The reason I got a Windows phones is that I wanted to try something different. I was going to purchase a used Samsung Focus off of CL, but after research I decided not to since WP7 is almost dead. Last August I went to the MS Store in Century City and picked up a Lumia 520. For starters it's a 4" screen compared to my old iPhone 4 at 3.5. The fact that a phone back then at $99 had a dual core CPU was a huge plus. Sure it sucked not to have a front camera but I managed. I had no issues with it and in October bought a used Lumia 810 for my switch to T-Mobile. That was a huge upgrade from a 4" to a 4.3 with front camera, 1.5GHz CPU and 1GB of RAM. I had no issues with that phone either until I found a Lumia 920 on CL unlocked. Another upgrade to a 4.5" HD display, 32GB of onboard storage, Wireless charging which was HUGE plus and NFC, which I have still to use. So far so good. I don't see myself grabbing an iPhone again anytime soon. I am just waiting for 2 things to come to WP8... More app support and MirrorLink support. *fingers crossed*
I had been a loyal Android fan until recently. I had to learn to root my devices to do things that Android had done as a matter of routine in the past, such as read from my sd card or even write to my sd cards, using my Amazon Prime membership to watch videos on my mobile devices. This infuriated me. I have never been an Apple fan. I saw a woman with a Windows phone and it looked cool. Then I started noticing them more and more. I have always liked the live tiles on my 8.1 laptop. I tried a Nokia Lumia 2520 first and really liked it, so I bought one last month. 3 days ago I bought a Surface 2 64gb and like it even more. Yesterday I bought an Icon. I think I hesitated for so long on Windows was because of the app availability. To be honest, there is litte "real" difference and now with the unified platform coming, it's all good. I am getting ready to sell my 2 android tablets and my LG
G2 phone because of how much I like Windows better.
To this day I will always pick windows phone, because spec wise, android hardware is always more expensive for the same experience.
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 - $500+
  • Samsung ATIV S - $200

One is faster than the other and has better battery life and performance. I think I'll pick the Windows Phone.

(PS. on a side note I dont know why people always compare the Lumia 520 to the Moto G. the 520 only costs $149 off contract, and the Moto G costs $269. The price difference is huge.)
To be honest I didn't really know what phone to get. I always wanted a Sony so I was thinking the Z series, but the reviews were mixed. The only reason I had for Sony was music and camera... But then I looked at android as a whole and started seeing the flaws in their system... After reading all the bad reviews I just couldn't bring myself to buy an android phone. I did however flirt with he idea of getting a s4, but just looking at it and the weight... Just didn't feel right.. Finally I remembered a friend of mine had bought the 1020, but he sold it after a few months for the s4.. I still decided to check out WP and voila I fell in love! It had never occurred to me that I should by a phone that had the same devs as the software running on my laptop and desktop, but the more I learned about WP the more I fell in love with the concept and after weeks of scouring the internet I got me a 925 😄 Best day of my life! I honestly can not see myself leaving this platform anytime soon! I do dislike the fact that some of the phones aren't available for the entire world or so it is said anyways.. In the end I love WP 😄 (note: while looking for a phone I never even considered an iPhone) lol
What made you decide to buy a windows phone?

to be honest convergence device says it all ..... I want my devices to be a jack of all trades and a master of most , I hate carrying multiple gadgets with me so I want my phone to be my camera/mp3 player/gps device/web browser/on the go media hub/social networking device/etc etc now back in the day only Symbian could manage this and we got some pretty good cameras as well like the n82 , n8 , 808 eventually android and ios caught up in all areas but one ..... the camera

ios and android phones can do pretty much all I require they have come on leaps and bounds from say when I was using my nokia n8 but what they have never mastered is the camera not just the hardware but the jpeg processing , I mean when you look at the z1 compact hardware apart from xenon flash missing it should be a great camera phone , but when you compare it to the nokia phones it isn't that great the jpeg processing is poor , very poor. Then take away xenon and the camera is now limited and cant freeze moments in time in slight darkness leading to many blurry photos of friends on nights out when you forget to take a proper camera with xenon flash

after loving the 808 but hating things like the web browser , online banking , selling things on ebay , trying to book hotel rooms while travelling which made the 808 annoying to use at times and I couldn't wait for the windows version of it with much better apps and web browser and being able to do things on it that my 808 just couldn't cope with or if it could it would be so tedious to me the end user id give up and use a pc

id tried the 920 and liked windows o/s and the camera was good but still missing xenon flash and over sampling from the 808 so when I heard of the 1020 I was pretty excited , when I heard it only had 32gb on board memory I was gutted ..... all them high res pics , my music , hd movies , games , map data blah blah blah was never going to fit on 32gb ....... then I heard about the 64gb version and went out of my way to get that as I can live with 64gb and some skydrive as back up but 32gb is just to limiting in this world of high definition we live in today

so yeah convergence leads me to windows phone coupled with the great camera of the 1020 :-) I like the 1520 , the 930 is nice but they also miss out on xenon flash and the 930 only comes in 32gb variation ..... for me no xenon flash limits a big part of the phone the camera and no xenon flash makes it a mobile camera not a proper camera as you cant use it in all situations like you can with a xenon flash

I hope nokia carry on making phones with large sensors , great optics , xenon flash , oversampling and ois as a complete camera package :-) I also hope they start using micro sd support more then we are seeing at the minute 32gb really doesn't cut it these days we need 32gb and micro sd slots so if we want we can put a nice 128gb card in it :-)
The Nexus 5 almost pulled me away from WP, but I stuck to it due to: stutter-free, no-nonsense, doesn't crash, the dynamic nature of the tiles, and most of all, it's pretty!
Was an Android user previously and an Adroid Developer. Now am developing for both Android and WP. Had a Galaxy Ace before buying Lumia 625. Wanted a good phone for ₹15k. Saw many android devices, but dint like any. All android devices of this price range come with 1GB RAM, which is not sufficient for a smooth and lag free experience on JELLY BEAN. KitKat works good but these devices seemd stuck at JELLY BEAN with no promise from OEM for an update... Then a friend bought Lumia 520 and I was shocked to see such fluid and smooth sailing OS on a small 512mb RAM. Plus then I read that WP 8.1 will be available for all. What more I can ask for. SUPER SMOOTH OS, guaranteed support of software. Presence of all basic and popular apps... BANG for the Buck...

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 using Tapatalk
My friend had a Lumia 710 and really liked the design and the software. At that time I had an iPhone 4, but the two main buttons stopped working and I had no insterest in repairing them (of course for a lot of money). Due to these conditions I decided to think more seriously about getting a windows phone, though I had not made any research about the platform before. Initially, I wanted to grab a Lumia 620, but I found a new Lumia 820 at the same price range as 620 back then and I had no hesitation in buying it. Since then I have never had any problems with my L820. The experience is great, everything is smooth and apps have never been a bigger issue. Now, with the WP 8.1 coming soon I surely can say that jumping ships was one of the best decisions I could make :)
Main reasons for me are

I moved back to Windows last year (a rarity but I did this because I liked the look of Windows 8)
Already had an xbox so tried out xbox music/movies and loved how everything synced between these devices

As this worked well I moved over stuff over to MS eco system (calendar, contacts, docs on skydrive as was)

The next logical step for me was a windows phone which would then be like a mini version of my desktop

Fully now with the MS eco system, and so far everything is working very well together
Nokia.that was the only reason.but now I really like the os experience after a month with 1520.
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Was a winmo user then went android. I just needed some change after all these android years so went with wp. Now I use both and love them both. Main phone though stays with wp

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Before using Nokia Lumia 920, I used Nokia N82. I love Nokia and I thought that having Windows Phone is like having Windows OS on my phone with the ability to manage files, and fire up a command prompt to use telnet :P
To me, android OS is a mess. It take user a lot of time to find out which software fit their demand. And because the OS is open so the manufactures have to fix a lot of bugs. And with the same price WP devices run smoothly a lot than android device. IOS is a different story. Apple's products are luxury,cool,fashion for different level. I used to use ios,android,wp devices.

Sent from my RM-996_apac_vietnam_200 using Tapatalk
when wp7 was launched, it had a cool UI, but i was like okay, nice UI and all, but im not interested in what HTC and samsung had to offer hardware wise those days.. so i dismissed it ..

my first phones where Nokia(apart form a Sony in the mid earlies :P).. so i grew up with that Nokia logo on my phones, and it just feels weird without it .
although im no photographer, im still a sucker for good cameras. so i tend up wanting to have the best of the best. so naturally i was stuck with Nokia phones for a long time. 6650==> 6630 == > N73(awesome phone)==> 5800==>e72==>N8.

and when Nokia decided to detch Meego, i was a bit sad, but still optimistic, coz i did like the WP UI/stability/speed, and it had plenty of apps in its store(compared to symbian and the newly born meego). so thats that..

i got a Lumia, and ever since Nokia was innovating, and Microsoft slacking.. when microsoft went and bought nokia, it felt like my WP days are numbered :( ..

come Build 2014, plus the Microsoft developer AMA in reddit yesterday for WP9.(or wp8.2).. and hope is back again :), how did microsoft slack in the mobile space, when its already few years late to the game was beyond me .

so yea, im happy with the 1020(just changed it to a yellow cover 30 mins ago :D), learned that Miracast is a no go :( .. but meh..

my last wish is to have the Nokia logo printed on the elusive 1080(and for it to be real :P ). and to actually own it :D
My first wp was the lumia 800. When i saw the commercial of the phone i just loved the new, fresh and minimal style of the phone, to wp os was wonderful for me. I went to the store to check it out and i just fell in love. I loved the tiles, the colors the built quality and the camera. Before the L800 i had the xperia mini and i hated it from the first time... it was so buggy and too fat. Unfortunately my L800's screen was shattered and it would almost cost the same as to buy a new L920 from the internet.

I never liked the iOS, way too expensive, the design not my style and its way too colorful and cheerful in a very bad way for me, but its stable. And the android just a big unstable mess.
I had the choice at work between Apple, Goog, BB, and WP. I wanted to try WP and ended up loving it. Didn't love the LG hardware tho. Got a 920 a year ago and I'm a Nokia fan for life. Flat out the best hardware on the market and completes the OS beautifuly.
because on my iphones everytime we get a new update its becomes slow and i hate the fact that my apps took more than 4 seconds to start up and TILESSSSS, i mean come on its so different and also at the time i really wanted a yellow phone(lumia 920)
I bought my first Windows Phone because I wanted something new and different. Also didn't want my dad tracking my phone constantly anymore. Lol. I had an iPhone 4. Didn't have any music on iTunes so I wasn't really attached to iOS.
Basically this my first smartphone, before this what I had was Sony Ericsson W550i. Then when I thought of buying a smartphone, as expected my friends advised me to go for an android, they were like "It has free games and apps". Surely that wasn't enough to convince me.. Then I looked up the internet, first I did give the Xperia L a serious thought as I had Sony before as well. But then seeing so many androids everywhere made me sort of nauseated. Then I saw the Lumia 720.. At first I was afraid to jump into an OS which neither I nor any of my friends had any knowledge of.. Also I was kinda scared to buy it, as i had no idea if this was a good idea. Then I saw the 520, It was a basic phone. Cheap, but only cost-wise not quality-wise. So I thought I'll buy this instead. If I don't like I'll buy another phone after a while. After I got the phone my first reaction was the awesome build quality it had for just 9k. As soon I turned it on, I fell head over heels in love with the UI. Now I can't even think of leaving this phone, let alone the OS. Plus 8.1 has ensured that I never even think about it.

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